To all Non-English/American OFF-Fans


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
Shredward asked me, if I knew forums or websites in Germany, where OFF should be introduced. I'm afraid, I don't. But perhaps anyone 'round here knows?
And not only for Germany - are there OFF fans from other European countries here, who can tell a good forum or website, were to introduce "Phase 3" ?
Come on, you all, let's see, if we can help here !
Mahlzeit! :d :germany:

Here are some links to German forums:

This is a German Il-2 forum but there is a long thread with interest in 'Rise Of Flight' thus I think they could be interested in OFF also. I am a member on this forum.

This is Jasta 99's forum (a German Red Baron 3D Multiplayer squad, I think they have the most members of all squads), I am also a member there. They have a OFF forum thread:

This is also a thread about 'Rise Of Flight' in the German Ubisoft IL-2 forum. I think people would be also interested in OFF.

The following is not exactly a flight simulation forum but some people are interested in W.W.I aviation also. One of the members has already OFF P2 on his PC.

I have set up a German OFF forum on Wings Of Honor to help German speaking people with the OFF installation and such:

Now I am running out of ideas. If I find some more I will post it here.

Gruss aus Deutschland
That Ja99 Forum has a very healthy OFF thread. Hopefully we will welcome some new members from Ja99 soon!
That one might be worth looking at - I see they already have an ROF section.