To: Herr Otto von Stachel, From the desk of Commandant, Jasta 6


Flame On!
To: Herr Otto von Stachel, From the desk of Commandant, Jasta 6

Herr Otto mein friend,
I regret to inform you zat our mozt illuztrious flieger and hero of ze Fazzerland, Hauptmann Josef Mueller has been killed in combat againzt ze scourge of ze Entente. It vaz zat cursed Allied antiaircraft fire zat caused his demise, not some low krumpet flieger. He vill be sorely missed. Ze Fazzerland can ill afford to lose many like Hauptmann Mueller.

Hauptmann Fritz Loerzer
Commandant Jasta 6
Sorry to see such a fine airman lost but , Aussie ground gunners rule OK :d

Hauptmann Loerzer,

Diz ez very zad newz. Ve muzt continue der prezzure on der Entente Menance until vee have zem conrnered and deztroyed.

He vill be avenged!!!

Achtung!!! To der Fokkers!!

Oberleutnant Otto von Stachel
Jasta 5 Ret.
Just enlisted my new pilot in Kommando KEK Habshiem...we will see how he performs.
Alles Fur Deutchland!:ernae:
"Be more aggressive"


(sorry, this is a joke from Silent Hunter 3, where in the vanilla version you would receive that very message from BdU regardless what you had done)

Zey vill pay for diz!

(Another Hun reporting for Duty :d)