To Ivan

No Dice

Charter Member
Did you just email me a project for your daughter or has your email addresses been hacked ?

me too.
the email and survey look legit
and i wouldn't mind helping
Miss Wong with her school project.
although, i'm apprehensive following email links.
therefore, i will hold off until i see
confirmation here from Ivan.
Someone has hacked his email and I told him about that some time ago. Once on the WEB, always on the WEB...:a1310: to the :a1451: who does that.
just once, i would like to catch one.
of course, i would go to jail, but,
i wonder how they would type
with no fingers.
Just received that mail...

Really don't know what to think of it :indecisiveness:. You had the good reflex guys.

If its a trap, it is the best trap I've seen (so far).

Waiting pattern for now.
Thanks Allen for the redirect.

Yes, Guys,

This particular email is legit. My daughter asked me if I could help her get a few people of various ages (especially folks over age 19) to take a quick little survey about colour preference based on age.
I don't really know much more than that.

I figured it was worthwhile to try to find a few people here, so I posted the thread that Allen showed but only after I had sent the email to a few of the folks I email on a fairly regular basis.

It was done as a BCC because I can't remember offhand how many of you would be comfortable with your email addresses shown to others that I know.

Thanks in advance if you should choose to take this little survey.
If you don't feel like putting your real name, then invent something. or just use an initial for your last name.

- Ivan.
many thanks for the clarification.
saying i'm overly paranoid
would be a gross understatement.
i hate being unable to trust my inbox,
but, even more, i hate having to buy
a new machine because my old one
has been hacked by some a$$hole
who has nothing better to do
with "his" time and computer skills.

suffice to say, i'll be happy to take this survey
and help your daughter with her project.
being an old fart, i wonder if any
of the picture color combinations are gray.
we shall see.
Ditto for me, Ivan.

Too bad my father is no longer with us; he couldn't make a difference between light pink and white. You should have seen the shirts he got! Still laughing :biggrin-new: