To Led Zeppelin and ndicki


It's in the dialogue that springs the light.
I have never written that the work on these planes was invalid and have not custom to offend peaple nor to let me offend.
I thus repeat the question that I posed on my post last one : having downloaded of MS406 from this site, the cockpit of which is indeed good but less than those of ETO.
Thus simple question : it are possible to make a change ? Yes or no.
I am invalid in computing and I leave the care to the professionals to make this job.
Behind your pen names hide computer specialists whose work is remarkable.(It's not of the brush to shine).
I have several hobbies ( hikes, roller, archeology, writing) and the French planes from 1939 till 1940.
I hope that you will not hold against me of this mistake.
Good fly.
You can copy the cockpit model (XXXXX_Cockpit0.m3d) from one of the MS406 aircraft in MAW or ETO (same one) into the folder of the "recipient" aircraft. This model file needs to be renamed to the same name as the old cockpit file, which you may back up by adding XXX to the file name. Your cockpit will now work, but you will need to hunt down all the texture files for the cockpit, gauges and gunsight, and install them as well.

You may need to change one or two settings in the xdp file as well...
yeah, whenever I want to fly an older Hurricane I'll import the MAW pit into it... But be careful when editing XDP's as you can CTD! If you have an XML utility (like I use XML Shell) you can check XDP's (& XML's) just ta be on the safe side!!
sir pop , can you send me,pm me , a hurricane that you have a revised cockpit in , i have the eto and the pay ones curious what yours are lik eif you can tks ,

lb/ joshua
ok dewoitine, I misunderstood the other day, I was thinking you were looking for a bettre pit that the one with ETO/MAW... I didn't know there were MS406 with older pits here and there to download.

no problem from my side.
Loic, there's a whole pile of them, French, Finnish, Turkish, you name it, it's in there. It's the first public v2 of the MS406. I thought he meant the MAW/ETO one, since everybody else has forgotten about the old one.

HOWEVER... The skin map is the same as the current version, which means that you can apply it to the new ones, even if these old skins aren't my best. That way, you get all the new stuff - flight models, damage models, nice cockpit, better visual model - but with a variety of skins.

Dewoitine, feel free to PM me and I'll help you to do that. Better than changing the cockpit! No hard feelings - a misunderstanding all round.
Thank's ndicki.
I am invalid in computing and I have no change cockpit.
But I had problems with my computer and had to reprogram cfs3 and ETO.
Now I have ETO 1.2O. Good.
If I can change the cockpit without problem it's OK.
I try to reproduce these French planes with the documentation which I have : squadrons, name of the pilots. My pleasure it is to see these planes, even virtual, to fly while they do not exits any more.
Question : I shall want to add the coded LeO451 35 (GB II/12)of this site. It are possible because it already exists on ETO without codification (GB I/11) ?
Question : I shall want to add the coded LeO451 35 (GB II/12)of this site. It are possible because it already exists on ETO without codification (GB I/11) ?

Not sure I follow this... I think they are two separate aircraft, so you should be able to copy the folder straight in. If CFS tells you the model file name is already used, when you start the sim, then simply take it out again.