To: Master SDSBOLT


Steven, I noticed the cockpits you're working on in Photobucket...
could you tell us what's in the works and wuz that a Beaufighter pit?
thanx in advance ... and thanx as well :jump:
Thanx for the reply... I think perhaps (in hindsight) it may have been the Fokker G1 (?) which I'm really excited about.
Can you please give us a status report on the G1?
Thanx in advance ....and mucho thanx for all your amazing modelling work :applause:
oh yeah

...yes, I wuz gazing (grazing?) through your amazing modeling work in that blinky* Photobucket and the G1 got me heart started...
I dunno how much activity the Netherlands saw during the war, but with
the Fokkers' G1, DXXI and Jon's (Dancat) little Curtis CW21b things might become interesting....(?)

*my rig is so slow it stops and sez: "does anyone have any virus' they'd like to give me" :dizzy: