Tobii Eye Tracker 5


Charter Member
Is anyone using a Tobii Eye tracker 5? How does it perform overall? I've been using FaceTrackNoIR with a basic webcam, and while it has decent functionality, it's smoothness and accuracy leaves quite a bit to be desired. It can be quite jittery, and sometimes it goes way off from where I'm "looking" and takes a couple of seconds to correct. I was thinking about getting a Tobii Eye Tracker, but if it has the same type of issues, I'm not so sure I want to spend the cash on one...
I have one and love it. It did take some adjustment of the settings -- I tuned out most of the actual eye tracking and use mostly the face tracking aspect. But it works better for me than TrackIR 3 or 5 did, and no hat reflectors or IR emitters to hassle with. And it also lets me log into Windows with my face. :)

The Reverb G2 is still the best MSFS experience, but when I don't want to don the headset, the Tobii's awesome.

And it's great for combat sims if you play those.
I have one too & find it really immersive & responsive, once set up.

I've tried using VR which is great but I have 2 BAHAs (Bone Anchored Hearing Aids) attached just behind my ears so I can't hear anything due to the strap placement.

Not only does the Tobii 5 track your head, it can also track your eye movement (optional) around the cockpit.

I followed the setup tutorial posted by SimHanger Flight Simulation on YouTube which helps a lot.

Simhanger has done a great overall review of Tobii, so start there:

There's a discussion going on at Avsim at the moment, with plenty of links to other Youtube reviews. The OP was originally enquiring about TrackIR, but Tobii users such as myself soon chimed in. It's well worth having a read through, as the pros and cons of both products are discussed extensively.

Personally, I've owned TrackIR for many years, but I bought Tobii about a month ago, and find it much easier to set up and use. The variable eye/head tracking ratio slider means you can still have purely head tracking if you wish, but 0.15/0.85 is perfect for me. I certainly won't be going back to TrackIR.

Thanks everyone. Heading out of town for a few days tomorrow - I'll order through Amazon after getting back.