Today 70th anniversary of Dam Busters's raid

There's been a few proggys on the TV about it and a radio2 broadcast tommorow night which sounds very good. Have managed to miss all of it so far and am out tommorow! :( Thank goodness for Iplayer and catchup tv!

I wanted to get the Dambusters cfs3 pack improved but ran out of time this year. With the coming of the Alphasim CFS2 source model we have something to work on for a future anniversary....

(the current one has incorrect lamps etc.)

We need more bods willing to get their hands dirty! :)
Well my Gmax skills at the moment are doing German airfields ( If only Joost and I could work out why everything but the textures show in the game! :kilroy: ) That's progress anyway!
BBC TV had proggies? What day and on Iplayer??
I'm putting in the finishing touches on a package that will fix that. Practice with your instruments...
I seem to remember there is a Dam Buster mission arround, with the especially fitted lancaster with the range finder , bouncing bomb and lights to adjust the heigth, but i cannot seem to find it at the present time.:kilroy:
the plane is the:ETO_Lanc_M3_Dam,it carries a weapon called:AvHistory_gb_DepthBomb_Upkeep it is equiped with a special range finder and leigh lights that converge at 30ft. Still looking for the mission in ETO 1943.:kilroy:
The mission is called:Operation Chastise and the mission pack holds everything wich is required
Dumb question I'm sure, by why does the water above the dam look so weird (I get the same effect)?

Also, until gecko is done, changing the time to 20:00 makes it just about as dark as possible without having the landscape suddenly light up.
In fact, flying it last night, I found that 20:00 is cutting it quite fine. Hang around the target for a bit and the terrain will suddenly 'turn on'!