Vott? Paarma, OvS, Makai !
Ze ennemies have made reconnaissansse photos of our skin developing area!!! Vatt a damn s**t, zatt ze pixels in World War Vone are yet 1 x 1 feet large!
SHHHH! Dont let zee krumpetz know about zee new sekret veapon! Zee Dr.1 Flyink Pancake! Orr iz it an E series? Hmm. I'll have to ask old Fokker himself.
Off course - and the third is a nose skin for maybe an Albatros.
The vid card must have picked patches from the wrong folder here.
In pic 2 you can see well, that the rest of the terrain is also assembled in a very random manner.
I think, the vid card was short before melt down?
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