Tool Bar Question


Charter Member
I fly in Windowed mode since I have two monitors and slide a lot of stuff to the second monitor...

Now when I am in the wiondowed mode and hit the "alt" key to bring up the tool bar on the top it pauses the FlightSim. I can use the tool bar ,that still works...The only way to get FS working again is to hit "alt" again -The sim works again but the tool bar is gone..I used to be able to fly with the tool bar on..

Any one know what might have happened????


Go to settings and then general and uncheck the "pause on switch" box, this will allow you to access other while you are flying without FS9 pausing.

See if that cures it
To get the menu bar back in windowed mode, right click somewhere in the window and uncheck "Hide Menu Bar."
All 3 of the above tips are correct. I think the terminology used by the OP is the possible confusion.

Window mode is the FS screen with the top menu bar present. (In which case, Tom's tip is a possible fix)

Full screen is the FS screen without the menu bar present. (Using the Alt key will bring up the menu bar for use and/or make it disappear) (to stop the pause in FS, Richard's tip is useful)

To select Full Screen when in Window mode use the key combination Alt+Enter. To return to Window mode, Alt+Enter again. (see dogknot's tip)
Thanks for all of your suggestions!
I am at work now and will try these when I get home tonight!
Thanks again!