TopFlightSimulations PT-22..dual VC


Retired SOH Admin
Not sure how many of you have tried this....but, if you use the key commands to move your position forward to the front cockpit of the PT-22, you can fly from that position as well as the rear position. NCGent gave the PT-22 a forward cockpit that is every bit as nice as the rear cockpit.

I can't remember which key combination moves you which way, but the key combos are:

Shift Enter
Control Shift Enter
Shift Backspace
Control Shift Backspace

Need to go back into the sim and get the key combos figured back in a bit.

I'm back. Here are the key combos for moving around in the VC:

Control Enter = Backward (away from nose of plane)
Control Backspace = Forward (toward nose of plane)
Control Shift Enter = Right
Control Shift Backspace = Left
Shift Enter = Upward (toward ceiling of cockpit)
Shift Backspace = Downward (toward floor of cockpit)

That's alright keep making them and I'll do my best to teach you how to enjoy them to the fullest. LOL!
