Tornado!..Early Version??


Charter Member
Back in early 60's was visiting (not sure) RamstienAFB or BitburgAFB in Germany and spotted what I thought was a twin-engined B-57 Canberra Attack bomber...on closer had 4 engines!!
Now know it to have been a North American (Martin?) B-45 Tornado. Anyone aware of this aircraft appearing in either FS-9 or FS-X..???? Sure would like to add this one to my Cold War Era oldies but goodies Hanger.

Fly High...Punch Holes in the Sky
FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Modern Military FS2004 North American B-45A
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 16,246,700 Date: 07-15-2005 Downloads: 2,033
FS2004 North American B-45A. The North American B-45 was the first jet bomber put into production and was meant as a replacement for the World War II B-25 and B-26 of the new Tactical Air Command. Features full animated moving parts, 2D panel and XML gauges. FSDS2 model by David Wooster.
B-45 Tornado!

Thanks Guys!! That's the Beast alright! Downloading it now and will try it out later to see how she handles a few rounds of T+G's. Since we're on a roll here.... any knowledge of a YAK-28 Brewer-Firebar series aircraft for FS9+X?? keep dreaming..right?

Fly High ... Punch Holes in the Sky
FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Modern Military FS2004 North American B-45A
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 16,246,700 Date: 07-15-2005 Downloads: 2,033
FS2004 North American B-45A. The North American B-45 was the first jet bomber put into production and was meant as a replacement for the World War II B-25 and B-26 of the new Tactical Air Command. Features full animated moving parts, 2D panel and XML gauges. FSDS2 model by David Wooster.[/SIZE]


While you are over at Flightsim picking this one up, look out for the updates by Bob Chicilo, deos wonders for the handling.
Best I could find was at but it's for FS2000/CFS/CFS2 you could try it but I very much doubt it'll work. Even avsimrus ain't got one.

FS2000 - FS2000 Aircraft FS2000/CFS/CFS2 Yakovlev Yak-28 Firebar
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 116,349 Date: 08-08-2005 Downloads: 381
[SIZE=-1]FS2000/CFS/CFS2 Yakovlev Yak-28 Firebar. 1950's Soviet interceptor. Aircraft in bare metal finish with USSR insignia. Alpha (Alphasim) 2002 freeware release.[/SIZE]