torpedo in CFS3


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For a long time, I have not opened CFS3.
So, now I reopen this famous simulator to do what I like a lot: kill ships with torpedoes.
But I cannot shoot this torpedo. With B25, I can shoot bombs, but not torpedo. And that with all planes like FW190, Ju88...
When I want to shoot torpedo, I do : armament selection, then I do shoot. And nothing.:banghead:
Please help.
Sorry about my english: I am french.

use this guide for the list of commands for CFS3:

First you need to select the weapon, then you need to drop the weapon. (sometimes called "cycle ordinance" and "release ordinance"). These are buttons 3 and 4 on my Microsoft Sidewinder joystick.

NBB: on some bombers, n'oublier pas to open the bomb bay doors first .(eg b25, b26, etc)

On the keyboard, it looks like "Backspace" = Cycle ordinance/weapon, and "Enter" = Release ordinance/weapon.

Actually I was looking for an addon which shows all the commands in a spreadsheet: however I suppose this keyboard template will suffice at a pinch.

Hope this helps
Thanks Daiwilletti
Thats good now.
Before I read you, to select weapon I do "shift S" that works for bombs, but not for torpedo.
Another question: in some plane, we can have 2 types of bombs: for example: 500kg and 250kg , how to select one of these ?
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When you have selected your aircraft in QC mode or opened a mission in Campaign mode, look for the "loadouts" drop-down option. There you can select any of the loadouts available for that aircraft.

(NB: if you open the aircraft .xdp file using MS Notepad (eg Aircraft/typhoon_mki/typhoon_mki.xdp), you will find a section of the xdp file which describes all the loadouts for the aircraft).

For example, if you want to "dogfight" in QC mode, you should select the "Clean" option from the loadouts drop down list so that you are light to fight. Even better, select only 30% fuel for dogfight mode, then you are even faster....

Sorry, I dont explain exactly what I want to do.
With Mission builder, In a B25, I can choose bombs: 2 x1000 k and 2x 500k.
So, when I fly, I do "select weapon" , but I cant choose 1000 or 500 like I want.
Thanks to answord something.
Sorry, I dont explain exactly what I want to do.
With Mission builder, In a B25, I can choose bombs: 2 x1000 k and 2x 500k.
So, when I fly, I do "select weapon" , but I cant choose 1000 or 500 like I want.
Thanks to answord something.

Hi, not sure what you mean. The thing is, once you begin your mission you only have one loadout. In a B25, one loadout might be:

<Loadout Name="(2)1000lb+(2)500lb Bombs" MissionType="Strike">
<Hardpoint ID="0" PylonType="pylon_B25_0" PayloadType="B_1000lb" Quantity="3"/>
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_B25_3" PayloadType="B_500lb" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_B25_4" PayloadType="B_500lb" Quantity="1"/>

Using the "cycle ordinance" key or button, you should be able to alternate between choosing the 500lb or 1000lb bombs in the loadout. Once you have selected the desired bomb, you can drop it using the "release ordinance" key or button (assuming you remember to open the bomb bay doors first!!). For the above loadout, slecting the 500lb bombs and pressing "release ordinance" will drop 2 x 500lb bombs.

Or press "cycle ordinance" again, selecting 1000lb bombs, press "release ordinance" and 2x 1000lb bombs will drop.

Hope you understand?


Thanks to answord me with so much speed.
I have selected payload: <Loadout Name="(2)1000lb+(2)500lb Bombs" MissionType="Strike"> on B25
I open the bomb bay, and I do "shift S" to selected bomb, but first, I already have "500lb Bombs", first I cant choose "1000 bomb"
I also do "return" , and its the same.
When I release "500lb Bombs", then I can selected "1000lb bombs"
May be my CFS3 have some pb ?
Have you try this operation with your CFS3 ?
Thanks to answord me with so much speed.
I have selected payload: <Loadout Name="(2)1000lb+(2)500lb Bombs" MissionType="Strike"> on B25
I open the bomb bay, and I do "shift S" to selected bomb, but first, I already have "500lb Bombs", first I cant choose "1000 bomb"
I also do "return" , and its the same.
When I release "500lb Bombs", then I can selected "1000lb bombs"
May be my CFS3 have some pb ?
Have you try this operation with your CFS3 ?

Hi tips, I have not tried this yet - I tend to use a different non-cfs3 computer to go on-line (paranoia :dizzy:). However, I am not sure you are using "cycle ordinance"? From the keyboard template, "cycle ordinance" = backspace? Not "shift S?

You should be able to cycle your selection from 500 to 1000 and back again. I will try to remember to test the b25 next time I am on the cfs3 computer... :wavey: