Tower Views; Why only one?


Charter Member 2015
On the average when I fly I usually just start at the default airport KSEA. From Tower view I can watch the aircraft move down the runway and depart. As I travel through all the airspace while changing views, I noticed long ago that the tower view never changes from the starting point and always shows the aircraft off in the distance. Sometimes giving the appearance that ATC is watching with binoculars.
....Is there a way to have the sim automatically change to the nearest airport tower for the airspace it's in or approaching on finals without the need of an external program?

I hope I'm making some sense
You might want to check out Autower - should be in the Avsim library somewhere. It automatically switches to the closest tower view as you fly along.
Tried, tested and, not bad. Much better actually. Although the tower views are not spot on, the visuals are much more realistic.

Thanks for directing me to this nifty little module, Teeps :ernae:
Never really understood why to spot my aircraft from tower view:
I'm a flyer - not an air traffic controller! :icon_lol:

I like this one here:

FS2004 (ACOF) - Misc. FS2004 Fly By
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 191,055 Date: 09-13-2008 Downloads: 658
[SIZE=-1]FS2004 Fly By v2.0. This utility enables fly by view when FS is in tower view mode. New: AI aircraft fly by view is now available. AI aircraft can be selected from the list and shown in fly by or spot plane view. Next/previous AI aircraft can also be selected with the key commands. Cycle AI aircraft fly by / spot plane view is available too. Random options for horizontal (left-right) and vertical (up-down) viewpoint positions are added. There are two types of random: with constant and variable distance to the plane. Parameters range now can be assigned. Therefore fly by period, relative lateral and altitude positions can be increased significantly. Utility is provided with the keyboard commands. Limitation of functionality: for user aircraft it is full-functional version which does not require any registration. AI aircraft options are time-limited for the unregistered version of utility. Every time FS starts, you have one minute summary to select and view AI aircraft fly by. By Valery Stenin.[/SIZE]

Tried, tested and, not bad. Much better actually. Although the tower views are not spot on, the visuals are much more realistic.

Thanks for directing me to this nifty little module, Teeps :ernae:
I searched Avsim and for "autotower" and "auto tower" with no luck. Can someone provide a link? Sound like a handy tool for screen shots away from the airport you started at.
Never really understood why to spot my aircraft from tower view:
I'm a flyer - not an air traffic controller! :icon_lol:


Understandable Markus. When one is in the seat, that should be it. We're flying right?

...My problem, not a problem actually, but more of a past. I come from the age old adage of control-line and radio controlled flight where being able to see the exterior of the aircraft was always possible. At the flight-line (tower view in flightsim for me) I prepped the aircraft for flight and then taxied to the runway. Once there, the view was always panoramic from start to finish. There were no interior views unless a camera was placed inside the cabin as we see it in 2D & VC like fsim. Back in my times something of this nature was far too expensive.

I guess this visual reference followed me here. And, I like it. Especially for the aerobatic planes :)
There is one good but rare use of tower view and that is when you get hold of an excellent sound file that stands out with the Doppler effect. One that comes to mind is a P-51 sound with the whistling gun ports.

I use FSrecorder .. it's a very neat proggy and you can made any views you want for any airports or locations in a easy way and save them .......
And of course the other options are amazing

Never really understood why to spot my aircraft from tower view:
I'm a flyer - not an air traffic controller!

Actually, early on in my Flightsim career, I would practice landing after landing, trying to perfect just that part, which a lot of folks have a problem with (go figure, lol). One of the ways I honed the landings was to go back and run the "replay" option in Tower view and watch the landings as though I was sitting there critiquing someone elses practice. I found it indispensible in my early training and the landings are one part of my flying I don't sweat at all any more.:salute:
Understandable Markus. When one is in the seat, that should be it. We're flying right?

...My problem, not a problem actually, but more of a past. I come from the age old adage of control-line and radio controlled flight where being able to see the exterior of the aircraft was always possible. At the flight-line (tower view in flightsim for me) I prepped the aircraft for flight and then taxied to the runway. Once there, the view was always panoramic from start to finish. There were no interior views unless a camera was placed inside the cabin as we see it in 2D & VC like fsim. Back in my times something of this nature was far too expensive.

I guess this visual reference followed me here. And, I like it. Especially for the aerobatic planes :)

I agree "OleBoy" :icon_lol: (Note my age, and "other" hobby.) :mixedsmi:
I like to use the tower view for both reasons, watching my flight in the pattern, and for the sound of the flyby. Those are just some more ways to enjoy the "sim."