Track IR has issued a patch that allows it to be used in CFS3,A lot of us have been trying/wishing/##**,to get this patch. Go to Track IR and down load the latest BATA patch
A big round of applause is due to the members of the OFF team for having the skill and the tenacity to work that one out and to gift it to Naturalpoint for the benefit of all Vista CFS3 users.
Hey Camel Jocky I checked out the site, an old 70year old paratroper I like to fly in something a bit slower and this fits the bill.Just have to find out how to loan phase one and two. I have "wings of war" and have a lot of fun with it. Thanks again
You need a vanilla version of CFS3 patched to v 3.1.
The OFF P2 installer clones the stock files it needs from CFS3 and then adds all the OFF specific files.This is why you need an an unmodded version of CFS3.If you have a modded version of CFS3 you may need to install CFS again before trying to install OFF.There are a number of ways to do this without wiping your exisiting CFS3 install. A way I favour is to rename your exisiting CFS3 install to fool the CFS3 installer into thinking you do not have it already installed on your computer.Once you have installed OFF you can then remove or rename the vanilla CFS3 install and change back to the usual name your original modded CFS3 install. Other people favour using Martin Wrights multi-install tool which you can find here in the CFS3 utilities section.The choice is yours.
If you have obtained the OFF P2 DVD you should find it an easy matter to install the Sim,the videos and the skins.Then there is a patch 1.9 which you also need to run.If you need any more help come on over to the dedicated OFF forum here at SOH and ask away .We are a friendly and helpful bunch who will get you into the air.You will love it.
In the stickies at the top of the OFF forum there is a thread posted by Gimpyguy on how to install OFF for vista 64bit users.Maybe you should follow his advice rather than mine.
Virginia mountains eh, South Carolina low country myself. Hey if you're interested, I'm just a hop, skip, and jump from you. I can set you up with a DVD of OFF if you'd like. Just pm your particulars and I'll get one to you.
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