Track IR not working in OFF



Sorry if I'm asking a question that has been throughly covered, but I couldn't find the answer looking back at old threads.

I am running Vista, and I can get TIR working on CFS3, but not OFF. The first time I ran it in OFF, it worked fine, but not since. the blue light just doesn't come on. I have the correct driver.

any suggestions?
Try: leave OFF alone, but uninstall the software from natural point. Then shut down and restart ( vodoo you know) reinstall the software.

It works with XP, it has saved my butt, numerous times

Vista: Got me

Also this might help
I had the same problem, running the TrackIR software in administrator mode seems to have solved it for me.
Natural Point has fixed this

Tracker IR has been updated to handle Vista. Just go to their site and they have a fix for CFS3...

good luck...