Track IR not working on TOW installs?


My Track IR works perfectly with ETO and BoB installs but not TOW. (C drive) Any ideas?
CORRECTION. It works on a TOW I install in a D drive but not the D drive TOW II.
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So, I am wondering what file in CFS3 might control Track IR?
LATER. Well it's not either of the viewUI files.
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TrackIR doesn't rely on any file in CFS3. It is completely independent, and simply recognizes when a program that can use it is running. I don't know why it isn't recognizing your TOW II install.
I guess I'll try a TrackIR reinstall then.
LATER: Well that didn't work but I found TOW II installs ( I have a lot! :beguiled: ) that do work so I just need to update them to the latest.
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