Track IR5 and Win 10

I have not had a problem with it recognizing that the game was running, but I have had problems with the LED lights not turning on. It usually requires that I reset the USB connection to get it working again.
Had the same problem after an update of TrackIr once. Switched back to the last version I knew was working and switched off autamtic update in TrackIR. No Problems since then.

I think I'm running TrackIR 5.2, but cant't tell for sure as Im at work now and not on my gaming rig.
I had that problem too, but they resolved it within a couple of weeks. I'm on now and it works fine.
When I updated Track IR5, about a week ago, on Win 7 it would not show CFS3 but did work on Rise of Flight. I found a thread on the Track IR forum that said to change the Track IR exe - Compatibility - Privilege Level - setting to "Run this program as an administrator". Worked in CFS3 after that.