TrackIR problem on FS Golden Wings 3


Charter Member 2012

After I change my OP to windows 7 ultimate 64-bit.

The TrackIR 5 will not working on FS Golden Wings 3. On FS9 & FS Silver Wings, the TrackIR working Ok.

And where can I find the fs9.exe file ?. In the XP it was in my document.

Best Regard
Unless I am mistaken, the Golden Wings package uses a modified file (language.dll or something like that) that prevents Track IR from working with it. Something like least that is what that tiny working part of my brain is telling me...but that part of my brain is known to be a pathological idiot, so any info it gives should be taken with a few thousand grains of salt.

Obio is correct, it's the language.dll. FS9 refers to itself as FLight Simulator 9 and TIR recognizes this, and works with it. GW3 refers to itself as Golden Wings (check the dialogue boxes at open/close/launch/etc) and TIR doesn't recognise this and will not work. SW has the same issues IIRC, maybe not, as yours works.

Simple fix is to copy the default language file into GW3 but it will not show the correct name in the dialogues, etc.

Sometime ago someone gave me tweaked files that allow GW3/SW to show the correct names but still work with TIR. My humble apologies as I forget now who, was many moons ago :redface:

here they are anywho... View attachment 66293 View attachment 66292

trackir & fsgw3

Hi !

You both make my day

The new language.dll fix the trackIR on fsgw3


Best Regard
Hi JDTinballs,

Sorry for the retro post, but do you (or does anyone) still have the attached fix for TrackIR 5 in Golden Wings 3? The attachments are no longer working (not sure why there are two attachments...two versions?).

Thanks so much, JDTinballs!!!

This community is the nicest, most helpful bunch of folks of any gaming forum I've ever visited. I'm so glad I found CFS3 and now Golden Wings 3/FS2004. Always knew they were out there, but just hadn't tried any MFS products since FS3!


P.S. Thanks for the SW fix also, as I just downloaded it read my mind!

hopefully these are what you are looking for.


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TrackIR will work in GW3 with Desert Rat's attachments but not if your GW3 is in Program Files (x86). Place it out side of this and all is fine. Worked for me.