TrackIR Sticking



I am having an issue with my TrackIR views getting sticky on me. When I am on the ground, they seem to work according to Hoyle (i.e., as they should), but when I am in the air, I often encounter an inability to look side to side, at least not smoothly. Sometimes with violent head movements I can get the view to jerk to the left or right (getting it to go right seems more difficult).

Not sure if this has to do with a graphics option I have chosen or what. Maybe putting things on a lower setting might help, but I was wondering if there was anything I could do in TrackIR that might make a difference? I did not have this problem previously. I am not certain if this has to do with the 1.2 upgrade or what. Seems to have started about the time I went to 1.2.

Any ideas are welcome.

Assuming you're using TrackIR Pro (headset mounted - 3 prong).

Make sure your sender unit is positioned in-line with your headset and the headset unit is vertical to the sender unit (headset - longer prong at the bottom).

In the set up for TrackIR, try using a custom setting, that is don't play around with the settings. Also make sure that you have it enabled correctly in the set up.

See if that improves your tracking.
I find using the 'heads' utility is very useful...but of course, in-game the view can become out of line..pushing F12 to centralise has the effect of restricting the once the heads view is aligned...don't touch anything in game
I am having an issue with my TrackIR views getting sticky on me. When I am on the ground, they seem to work according to Hoyle (i.e., as they should), but when I am in the air, I often encounter an inability to look side to side, at least not smoothly. Sometimes with violent head movements I can get the view to jerk to the left or right (getting it to go right seems more difficult).

Not sure if this has to do with a graphics option I have chosen or what. Maybe putting things on a lower setting might help, but I was wondering if there was anything I could do in TrackIR that might make a difference? I did not have this problem previously. I am not certain if this has to do with the 1.2 upgrade or what. Seems to have started about the time I went to 1.2.

Any ideas are welcome.


Are you sure you're not hitting F9 for some in-game function? That toggles TiR between free movement to a kind of dead-zone/delayed movement.
I've occasionally had mine lockup so that I can only see forward, and any side to side motion I make with my head just slightly moves the in game view backward and forward, no side to side.

On one occasion I noticed I had hit a thumb button on my X52 throttle (labeled 'E' with a circle around it), and that had the effect of locking or unlocking my trackir view. Not sure if that was the problem (ie. I kept hitting it accidentally), or if it also just happened to have the same effect as when it locks up.
Yes Siggi..not sure quite why the F9 function is there...but perhaps it's so you can pan around the external views with the keyboard, if you want to look at those views easier...that's all i use it for
(it's a real pain in combat though!)
I've experienced a similar phenomenon.....almost identical to the one being described here. It's invariably been the result of some kind of unwanted light or reflection being detected by the IR sensor. It throws your tracking out of whack. Easiest way to test it is in a darkened room, making sure there are no unwanted reflective surfaces throwing light back at the sensor device. I've had something as subtle as light from my monitor reflecting off a glass covered picture frame located behind me back at the sensor and throwing it out of whack.

Usually if this is what's causing the problem, it can be seen in the tracking monitor utility and will show up as a red dot or line somewhere alongside or in the middle of the 3 green tracking dots. That type of interference can be compenstated for by utilizing slight to moderate degrees of the light "filtering" function, but too much is usually worse than none at all.

Take a flight in a completely darkened room with nothing behind you that can reflect light from your monitor. If you don't experience the same issue, you've got some unwanted light or reflection problems to address. If the problem still exists, it's something unrelated.

Hope you get it solved quickly.

F9 . . . is weapon view, , it's use in campaign is to watch where your Bombs strike ( if you're into it )

Best reprogramed to avoid conflicts with Trackir

Problem is, while you're watching where your bomb hits

YOU fly into a tree
For ANY TIR issues where the view locks or jumps check the area behind your seating location for ANY extraneous light sources be it direct light from a lamp or reflected light from a picture frame, TV or even bright sunshine on the wall behind you! All the above will cause TIR to lose 'focus' as it cannot determine which light source it should be tracking.

A simple check is to open up the 'Tracking' window in the TIR software should see only THREE green blobs....if you see ANY red blobs you have a light/reflection issue and you need to address the problem.

I helped a guy out on another forum once with a similar problem and it turned out it only happened at certain times and the problem was reflections from all the photo frames on the wall behind him but it only happened when he turned on the overhead track lights.
Thanks, all. I will try out all these suggestions.

I don't believe I've hit F9 during a game, though.