Traffic ??


Charter Member 2011
Hi All,

I've posted this subject before and was given some great AI traffic site links. Thanks.

But what I want is to get addon aircraft to show up as traffic.

I have some specific installs, i.e, military jets; WWII planes; etc.

In the default install .cfg there is an entry for traffic:


Most of the addon military aircraft, for instance, don't fall into the Airliner or General Aviation category so naturally don't show up as traffic.

My question is: Is there an entry to place in the aircraft .cfg to tell the specific install to use the addon aircraft as traffic? For instance, an entry to fool the install into using the military aircraft as either airliner or general aviation??

I've searched the military addon .cfg's for a standard entry to add to the install .cfg but can't seem to find a specific standard entry to tell the game to use the plane as traffic.

I appreciate any help...


For aircraft to be used as AI, they need to have a specific traffic scenery file created that tells them to fly. Also many regular "flyable" aircraft if used as AI will grind your computer to a halt due to their complexity. There are several well done Military AI packages that ad low poly Military aircraft in automated install packages.

Search Avsim for Military AI and you will see what I mean.

There are also several tutorials about to help you write your own AI traffic files as well.

I'm not an expert on AI flight plans like the others, but I do understand how they're created.

The direct answer to your question is No, there is no entry in the aircraft.cfg file to tell the specific install to use the addon aircraft as traffic. Brian is correct in that the various flight plans are created with a *.bgl file as part of your scenery.

One thing you might look for is a freeware program called ACA 2005. I found it on one of the AI sites, and its pretty cool in that you can examine the various flight plans current installed. It tells you which aircraft are assigned to the various flight plans and timetables.

My install does have a lot of addon AI a/c at various airports. I have MyTraffic 2004 because it includes a lot of military aircraft at most major military bases. Other addon AI aircraft and airfields came with various pacakges like the RealAir Spitfire and WOP Bombers. I'm currently looking at some addon WWII British fields that provide AI Spitfires and Hurricanes, for example.

Some day I'll learn TrafficTools and create my own.

Hope that helps.
