Trans-Canada Air Lines DC-3 released!

Wild Bill Kelso

Charter Member 2011
Dear friends,

finally, it's done!

My TCA repaint of the MAAM-Sim DC-3 just made her final pre-flight check. Should be up at soon.

Here's what you get:


There are still some glitches we must live with:
The real CF-TEB had a port passenger door - the MAAM model a starboard entrance instead. Please tell your paxes where they should board.

Nose cone has some "dents" in the model, probably bird strikes...

Some odd distorsions aft of the last window can't be fixed.

I'll take the test:




The registration letters on the vstab are still too big in these shots. Final release will be adjusted.

Have fun with this ol' gal!

A big thank you! goes to Rob 'Sir Galahad' and Mark Beaumont for providing some very useful help concerning this repaint!

Pass-- with honours!:icon29:

Now you can go on the the graduate work in Connie Colours :applause:

... and I'll go find my credit card
Hallole Markus,

looks very nice....can't wait to add her to my hangar. Wasn't there one of the models that had the door on the correct side ???
OY-PBP maybe ?? But then I could be remembering stuff that never was again :running::running:

Thank you for your kind feedback, guys! :ernae:

I must admit that this was something we call in german "schwere Geburt" and can be translated as a "hard job".
This nose section just drove me nuts... :isadizzy: :banghead: :tgun2: :rocket:

But now it's done.

Please treat her well.

@ Sir Galahad:
The TCA Connie job was already taken over by Sunny9850, and I felt free to provide him with the correct letters. Lookin' foreward to this beauty!

Yep, the Danish Dakota indeed has a left-sided pax door, but she also has an odd window in it I haven't seen on the TCA DC-3s. So I decided not to take this model.

I guess that this portside pax door was once refitted, because CF-TEB was delivered to USAAF as a C-47A (with a presumed cargo door). Seems like every DC-3 is unique...

She's at now:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Propliners FS2004 Trans-Canada Air Lines Douglas DC-3
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 6,422,404 Date: 05-12-2009
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 Trans-Canada Air Lines Douglas DC-3, registration CF-TEB. Repaint only for the MAAM-SIM DC-3. By Markus Hellwig.[/SIZE]
