Transponder help


Hey all. I have a problem with my analog transponders not turning on. I put the mouse over the knob, get the little semi circle arrow and I roll my mouse wheel and it tries to turn on but then "Spring loads" back to off. Any Ideas what is going on? This happens in both default aircraft (C-152) and add on freeware that has ab analog panel like the Cessna T206.
I'm thinking there is an add on conflict. Doing a search for "Transponder" gets a clean bill of health with no assigned key binds
It might not be a direct "transponder" assignment, but maybe some side effect of another control.
I'd check the commands currently "assigned" to your controllers. The list can't be that big (unless you have multiple controllers and a home cockpit, ok...).
Looking around, other folks are having a similar problem. Looks like a FS update broke the transponders. They work ok with glass panels but any transponder that requires a manual turn on (Default Bendix and Garmin ones) don't turn on. seems starting at an airport start point may help
If transponders of all default planes would be broken, there would be much more reports. I have never heard of that problem before you mentioned it here. So I don't really believe this "MS update broke it" theory, and I'm more thinking about a conflict with another addon or controller.
I'm going to give it a try in my MSFS, just to be sure.