Travel Air


Charter Member
The Bill Lyon's FS9 Travel Air with their scenery I have installed shows no pilot, yet a screen shot in the file shows a pilot in each cockpit. Is there a fix for this? Or do I need to reinstall? Or what?:isadizzy:
Try going into the VC and hover your mouse over the passenger seat. You should be able to "click in" the pilot and passenger. Not sure though. I know some of his models are set up this way.

The forward slash key, "/", will add the pilot. There's also a click spot up on the dash area that will add a passenger.
Bill Lyons uses the forward slash on several of his a/c, the Piper Cub, Tiger Moth and Sikorsky S-43, for instance.

Actually, I find it's often worth trying that key, shift+e+2, the tab and the wingfold just to see if anything else happens. On the Tiger Moth shift+e+2 works the cowling panels.
He had so many neat little things built into his planes..

Another was Nav lights, which would sometimes bring up crew, pilot as well.

Wingfold was for ground based items.

Slash key (Spoilers) was passengers (usually)

I loved his sound effects and voices, like the call box on the Sikorsky. I still think that one is ahead of its time.

Actually, I find it's often worth trying that key, shift+e+2, the tab and the wingfold just to see if anything else happens. On the Tiger Moth shift+e+2 works the cowling panels.

I would caution anyone trying the wing fold command for the first time while airborne. I learned that one the hard-way. :engel016: