trees and more trees


I have been looking at lots of screen shots lately and I have noticed that some of them have more trees in them then the default autogen normally has. Is there some tweek to make the trees more dense? or is this simply a different bitmap that makes one tree look like multiple? I first noticed this in the screenshots of the texture set converted from Orbx for FSX, but I have seen it in other texture packs as well.

Just wondering how it was done.

These two pictures are from a texture set I have been looking at and it appears to be just changes to textures, does that seem correct?




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You could try this:

TreeGen V 1.0 by Feng Zhu

"The default FS9 trees are over-sized and too sparse. As a result, they never create a believable tree-line, or give you the sense of mass and density. I've reduced the size of the trees down by 40%, and increased their numbers. There is no performance hit at all. In fact, you should get better performance because these files are at half the size compared to the original. I've reduced the quality down slightly to help increase fps, but you shouldn't notice any difference once airborn at 200 feet and above. All seasons are included."

Different textures will have an associated autogen annotation file associated with them, hence some replacement texs will have more or less autogen depending on the design. I don't have FS on this old rig (my main rig is dead, alas.) so I cannot check the names/types of these files, but they look like one of those box thingies you scan with your phone to access web sites or info, only squashed vertically.

This might help, seems like gobbeldeygook to me though...
Different textures will have an associated autogen annotation file associated with them, hence some replacement texs will have more or less autogen depending on the design. I don't have FS on this old rig (my main rig is dead, alas.) so I cannot check the names/types of these files, but they look like one of those box thingies you scan with your phone to access web sites or info, only squashed vertically.

This might help, seems like gobbeldeygook to me though...

I read through that article, very interesting stuff. I would of thought that would of been in the scenery files (*.bgl) but hey I learned something new today. I will try replacing the .agn files and post my results.

I will also try they tree pack listed above and post those results too.

That's true about trees in GW3. Here is a shot after takeoff from Kirkwall EGPA. Stock GW with everything maxed out.
Annotating forest tiles does not work. On other tiles you can increase density a lot. In forests the maxed out effect is achieved through scaling and having multiple trees drawn in the tree texture set. At low leves this will look more dense.

I don't know for sure but I think this might be influenced in the terrain.cfg.

Upper limit is 900 trees per tile.

Optimizing display radius and other fs9.cfg parameters which increase display speed may also reduce fade_in time of objects thus increasing the "feel" of more autogen.

Interesting discussion on this problem in this (old) thread:

I use Silver Wings, which I think gives more trees, like GW3, but without making the whole sim vintage.