Trim animation on aircraft model?


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Hello all

I noticed on aircraft when you adjust trim for example on the elevator, there's no visual indicator on the model itself.
Are there any add-on aircraft have trim animations you can actually see in the sim?

I have yet to see a model where the trim tabs or control surfaces show ANY change due to trimming adjustments. That is not to say that it doesn't exist but I personally haven't seen it.

I suspect it is just being done computationally (for example, minute adjustments of "htail incidence") in the aircraft.cfg file would be one approach. Some +/- computational offset to the zero position of the control surface throws would be another method.

However, you wouldn't see that occurring visually.
The necessary animations are not supported in the sim. I wanted to include them with the Tempest II but the sdk doesn't include them.
... I noticed on aircraft when you adjust trim for example on the elevator, there's no visual indicator on the model itself.
Are there any add-on aircraft have trim animations you can actually see in the sim ...

As mentioned by Hairyspin, so far there isn't a working visual indicator possible in CFS3, unfortunately. Trim is modelled through the files controlling the flight model (so it does work). However, there is the Z-key (stock key assignments) which displays trim settings numerically. For in-flight situations this poses no problems (trim til it feels fine) but for take-off and similar situations where a distinct trim setting is advised, this becomes a bit complicated. I think (but correct me if I am wrong!) that the numbers displayed are percentages of trim in relation to maximum trim tab deflection.

Most aircraft manuals I have seen, do not mention trim settings as percentages but as a number of degrees. So in order to set the trim correctly you have to know the full trim deflection in degrees for your aircraft and the required degrees of trim for a given situation. Then you can calculate the percentage and set trim accordingly in-game...
Ah thanks guys. Yes it's a 100% plus or minus readout on the z key - so as you say the best way is to know how many degrees it moves then work out the % of that. Not exactly brilliant!