Trouble adding skins in FS9


Charter Member
I have recently reinstalled FS9 and for some odd reason I can't get any added paints to show up on my Alphasim B-24. The added paint will not show up in the aircraft selection menu. I have been adding paints for years, this has me completely stumped.

I do have windows 10, is this a known problem with windows 10? And is there a fix?
Hi Rob

Try putting the B24 folder onto your desktop, try adding things too it there. this is just a shot in the dark, as I don't have windows 10 installed. But it will rule out any interference from the poss program files security.

Hi Rob

Try putting the B24 folder onto your desktop, try adding things too it there. this is just a shot in the dark, as I don't have windows 10 installed. But it will rule out any interference from the poss program files security.


Thanks Steve. I tried that, but unfortunately it didn't work. It almost seems like there is a limit on textures. It's really weird, I've never had this happen before. Thanks again for the suggestion.
Ok, I figured it out. I right clicked on my FS9 exe icon on my desktop and checked the "run as administrator" and now my paint shows up in the menu.
I'm glad you were able to solve it. Its weird as I run FS9 under Windows10 as well and I didn't have this problem.

A puzzled Huub
Ok, I figured it out. I right clicked on my FS9 exe icon on my desktop and checked the "run as administrator" and now my paint shows up in the menu.

That's good to know... I had the same problem adding skins to the IRIS S-3B Viking. Skins that used to work before but don't show anything in the preview window. I'll have a go with that little trick but can't understand why all the sudden the paints became a problem. Thanks, Rob.

Thanks everyone!

I guess just one of those odd glitches that pop up every now and then.
It all has to do with folder permissions. When you install FS9 to the default location, you're installing into a highly protected directory that tends to reject changes and restore previous file versions for your protection. This is something that started with Vista and continues through 10. The only real cures are to grant yourself full admin rights to the FS9 root folder and all files/subfolders, or to begin by installing to a location outside the "protected zone." I have a folder on the root of my C drive called Added Programs that contains my FS9 and a few others, like Gimp and Notepad++.