I'm setting up FS9/GW in my no longer new computer and I need a couple of landclass files. Making them has me stymied and I'm becoming intensely frustrated. 
First I tried to make them with EZ Landclass. I found that EZ Landclass uses some executable files from the FS2000 Scenery SDK, and one of them, an essential piece of the process, won't work in Windows 7.
Then I tried Sbuilder. I followed all the instructions to set it up, but I can't produce the final BGL file. I suspect that at least one of the many executables involved in the process doesn't work in Windows 7. At least, I can't think of any other explanation. I've followed the instructions and the prompts as best I can, but to no avail. It doesn't help that program's help files are very sketchy; they mostly refer the user to tutorials posted online at a web site that seems to no longer exist.
Next I thought I'd try Landclass Assistant. I found several updates to later versions, but they all require that the original program be installed first, and though I've scoured the web, I can't find the original program anywhere. (It might not work in W7 anyway...)
I considered ADE9x, but it's a very complex program that requires downloads of several additional programs, mostly from Microsoft, and I hesitate to clutter up my confuter with a highly complex program and multiple auxiliary programs, and study up to learn how to use it, without any assurance that all of the numerous components will run in Windows 7 (not to mention that it's a lot to go through for the production of two or three files, then probably never use it again.)
Does anyone know of a simple way to make landclass files that works in Windows 7?
Does anyone know where to find a copy of the original Landclass Assistant program?
Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions that might lead me to a solution?

First I tried to make them with EZ Landclass. I found that EZ Landclass uses some executable files from the FS2000 Scenery SDK, and one of them, an essential piece of the process, won't work in Windows 7.
Then I tried Sbuilder. I followed all the instructions to set it up, but I can't produce the final BGL file. I suspect that at least one of the many executables involved in the process doesn't work in Windows 7. At least, I can't think of any other explanation. I've followed the instructions and the prompts as best I can, but to no avail. It doesn't help that program's help files are very sketchy; they mostly refer the user to tutorials posted online at a web site that seems to no longer exist.
Next I thought I'd try Landclass Assistant. I found several updates to later versions, but they all require that the original program be installed first, and though I've scoured the web, I can't find the original program anywhere. (It might not work in W7 anyway...)
I considered ADE9x, but it's a very complex program that requires downloads of several additional programs, mostly from Microsoft, and I hesitate to clutter up my confuter with a highly complex program and multiple auxiliary programs, and study up to learn how to use it, without any assurance that all of the numerous components will run in Windows 7 (not to mention that it's a lot to go through for the production of two or three files, then probably never use it again.)
Does anyone know of a simple way to make landclass files that works in Windows 7?
Does anyone know where to find a copy of the original Landclass Assistant program?
Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions that might lead me to a solution?