Been hearing some news media reports of troubled times ahead for the A1GP series as well....
Things are tough all over, wait until the big three bailout is settled or unsettled. If unsettled and the big 3 have to file Chapter 11, things in NASCAR could be in for some bad times. The sponsors are already becoming thin, what will happen if the Big 3 have to stop supplying engines and chassis for NASCAR, the bodies have nothing to do with the Big 3, they are all done by NASCAR people.
believe me, with fan support down, TV audience down, and hard times for the working man, NASCAR officials have chewed their nails to the quick!
This means it's PRIME TIME for HONDA to move into NASCAR...:mixedsmi:
(Since Honda & Toyota have no sales troubles in the USA, funds should be no problem for them)
I'm for it, I drive a Honda. Made in America too! :d
As a side note Panther, when was the last time you were in Detroit?
Bail out the auto industry? This whole bailout deal is just throwing good money after bad and prolonging the crisis. In the long run we'll throw away a trillion dollars and be no better off for it. We're in for some ugly times I'm afraid to say, because NO politician has the balls to do or say what really needs to be done. So much easier and popular to just keep throwing money down a rat's hole than to stand up and tell the folks the truth.