Trying To Change The Sound For The Republic Seabee

casey jones

Charter Member
I cannot stand the generic sound (MS 182 Sound) that is aliased to the Republic Seabee for FS9, I have tried differant sounds add-ons for it but none work, all I get is silence and the only sound I hear is when the landing gear is raised and the flaps.


How are you "changing" the sound? Are you dropping a new sound package into place, or are you aliasing to a sound pack in another location?

If you are dropping a sound pack into the Seabee's SOUND folder, delete all the files in the Seabee's Sound folder, then copy and paste all the files of the sound package you want to use into the Sound folder of the Seabee.

Or better yet, give a few minutes and I will upload a sound pack I put together for the Seabee. I used a copy of my Baron Deluxe sound pack, added in water landing sounds. It rocks! And it is loud! UPLOADED!

From back in the late Forties-early Fifties, I remember being an air-minded kid living in "Trawnna" (Toronto, Ontario), and frequently a Seabee would fly overhead -- likely from the Lake Ontario shore going up to Lake Simcoe, or the Muskoka Lakes, or return.

But you could never miss a Seabee! Their sound was quite distinctive, sounding more like an over-taxed chainsaw on its last legs, than anything else I can now think-of. It was as though the prop pitch was stuck in Full-Fine, and the engine was gonna come from together at any second.

In those ancient time, none of us kids knew the identity of the plane -- or any other, for that matter. We just referred to this type as "seaplanes", and that was good enough for us. It was only years later that I discovered they were the Republic Seabee, and that their engines were apparently as cantankerous as I'd imagined earlier.
Isn't there a Seabee sound package on At least, I think there used to be. If you'ff send me a PM, I'll send my sound pack to you. In the meantime, what about the sound pack on Mario Noriega's Nardi FN-333 Riviera? Would that work?

Marc Burcham
For our "Superbee" I aliased the sound to the default Mooney Bravo. It is a bit "raspier" than the Cessna sound and the wheel and undercarriage retraction sounds are pretty good. Whether or not it's more realistic we have no idea since neither of us has seen or heard a Seabee in real life.
We did see it in the Bond film 'The Man with the Golden Gun' though :wiggle:

The best soundset would be frome Manuel Noriega's Piaggio P-149D, they share the same engine, the Lycoming GO-480 geared engine...

That aircraft is available at Flightsim, the sounds are dead-on, as it was the same powerplant in the Pilatus P-3 I used to fly ...

Mike :wiggle: