From back in the late Forties-early Fifties, I remember being an air-minded kid living in "Trawnna" (Toronto, Ontario), and frequently a Seabee would fly overhead -- likely from the Lake Ontario shore going up to Lake Simcoe, or the Muskoka Lakes, or return.
But you could never miss a Seabee! Their sound was quite distinctive, sounding more like an over-taxed chainsaw on its last legs, than anything else I can now think-of. It was as though the prop pitch was stuck in Full-Fine, and the engine was gonna come from together at any second.
In those ancient time, none of us kids knew the identity of the plane -- or any other, for that matter. We just referred to this type as "seaplanes", and that was good enough for us. It was only years later that I discovered they were the Republic Seabee, and that their engines were apparently as cantankerous as I'd imagined earlier.