Trying to install the KBT EP-3 in Win 10.


It isn't pretty. :dizzy:

Win 10 refuses to allow the install to run. :banghead:
I went through this before with the "stock" Orion and got it to work by installing the plane in my old desktop tower then transferring all of the folders and files to an SSD stick which I then transferred to the new machine.

I really don't want to bust out the old tower again and get it running. Does anyone have the EP-3 installed and could you hook me up? :santahat:
Just zip the EP-3's main folder and files ( NOT the installer from the original download) and I'll take care of the rest.

PM me and I'll give you my e-mail addy.
I've just tried to install it in Windows 11, so doing it with Windows 10 should be the same..
1. Extract the files in the zip to a temp directory.
2. Right click on the exe
3. Select Properties
4. Select 'Compatibility' tab
5. Select 'Windows XP (Service Pack 2)
6. Select 'Run as Administrator'
7. Apply & click on the exe to run it.... Install into a temp directory to see whats there, then copy & paste into the sim.

Its actually quicker to do than to explain..
Ive just done it with both the EP-3E & the WP-3D

Give a shout if you get stuck.
Robin, why didn't you tell me this two years ago? :playful:

It worked fine. :very_drunk: The one thing I never tried was running the install as "Admin" and it was staring at me the whole time. :dizzy:

The more important question is, how are you doing? If you're still trying to track down some aircraft, I'm sitting on a LOT of downloads.
Just say the word and I'll start digging thru the pile. Maybe we'll get lucky and I'll have one you're looking for.

Thanks, again. :ernaehrung004:
I'm happy it's working for you.. :jump:
I'm doing fine, thanks. Wheelchair bound, and am going for a prosthesis evaluation soon.
There is so much software that I've lost. Especially from sites that are no longer with us.
Thanks for the offer, but I think that what is gone is gone. if I miss anything, I'll give a shout.
Then I keep telling myself that it's a good thing to start all over & to have a nice clean install again.

And because of your request, I've installed the KBT EP-3, WP-3 & P3 AEW. I just cannot find the anywhere.

So, I'm puttering with this plane. :wiggle:

The prop BMPs work nicely with the older KBT P-3C's, they have a much better alpha layer for the spinning props however the static blade textures are supposed to look "worn" on the EP-3.
More about this later.

The back-up ADI (ball) is missing in the VC. :dizzy:
I'm close to fixing it but its one of those "mouse trap within a mouse trap within a mouse trap" kinds of problems.
I'm not sure if KBT patched it or if it was fixed in the FSX version?