Trying to make a better early RAF Bomb Sight

Capt. Winters

Charter Member
Hi Guys,

I have been playing around trying to make a more believable bomb sight for the early RAF bombers, ei the Blenhiem in ETO for a start.

This is what I have come up with, the first shot is of the bombaimer position from the Pilot seat, you can see the bomb sight over on the right of the shot.

the second shot is of the stock bombsight image in game at the moment for the blenhiem.

the 3rd shot is of my WIP bombsight for the blenhiem. you line up your target in the white circle looking thing in teh centre of the screen.

and the last one is a diagram of how it worked in real life. basically you set the hieght on te virtical pole then moved the slider along the horizontal bar to match your airspeed and then you looked at an angle through the hole on the vertical pole down towards the marker on the horizontal bar, when you your target entered the veiwing circle you dropped your bombs.

I have tried to give the impression of looking along the line of sight, and made the veiwing circle in the centre of the image so that as you pass over your target and as it goes into the little white circle (the one on the left of the pole) you drop your bombs.

Also tried to give the impression of looking over a small device rather than having you eye to a rubber eyepiece which blocks out your view of any other part of the plane.

If people feel its worth completing I'll continue with the very tedious job of getting the alpha channel sorted to make all the edges smooth.

and then retro fit the Blenhiem in the ETO 1.2 with it in our next update.

regards Rob.
Excellent idea, Rob! I wanted to do something similar when building it (the Blenheim; Greg Law did the bomb sight model) but in the end I was running out of time (and motivation!) so I just stuck with the standard CFS3 'sight'.

Please keep going with it!:ernae:

Winjeel :wavey:
Hi Guys,

Righty Oh then, I'll complete the sight and have it out soon.

regards Rob.

PS Richard, good to see you dropping by, thanks again for the great play things you have given us over the years. :ernae:
YES!! what a beauty Rob! Not only does it look wonderful, the a/c are also much easier to control from the bomb aimers positon if you're looking slightly forward and not straight down, I noticed this with the Dambuster lanc.

Top mod! :woot:
YES!! what a beauty Rob! Not only does it look wonderful, the a/c are also much easier to control from the bomb aimers positon if you're looking slightly forward and not straight down, I noticed this with the Dambuster lanc.

Top mod! :woot:

I wonder if the old 1% sights that were in the old mossie, and other planes would be better. Anyone remember these great sights we had them in our bombers for CFS2, maybe I'll dig up one. It had range and altitude a such was a very realistic sight. CFS2 was much better at modeling the effects of speed and altitude in bombing. CFS3 makes it too easy.
Any improvement on the stock bomb sight would be welcome!
Rob top job as usual, keep it up, looks great!
Wow, that's really sumpin... amazing texure, too! I love it when metal (mostly aluminum, of course) looks real in sim,
and those knobs are SO brassy!! ...amazin', truly!:ernae:
Hi Guys,

Hi Clive,

Blenhiem sight is coming along nicely, but I have just been invited to a museum in Perth (Western Australia) where I'm working for the next 3 weeks, they have a Avro Lancaster (complete) and an Avro Anson with a Mk9 bombsight, I hope to climb into it and take photos looking down the bomsight and then use these images to really update the bombaimer views in game.

I'll post some photos of the museum and what I find in a week or so.

This invite come from the work I have been doing with a small restoration project in Ballarat (Home) A good mate of mine Allan Penhall is building back to static display an early model Avro Anson, which where used in Ballarat during the war at the Air Gunner and wireless operator school. the school was set up at the Ballarat Airport 1940. the building in which his plane is stored is the old Gymnasium from the RAAF base out at the airport.

Attached some piccies of the work we have done over the last 15 years. although I was away for around 7 of those 15 with work, but now that we have moved back to Ballarat I spend a couple of days from each break helping him.

Thats my youngest duaghter Courtney in the front section of a second Anson. the interior of the main display plane is now pretty much complete, the gunners seat all works as it should the radio and bomb aimer positions are done although a couple of small items are still required.

this is an older website story on Als project.

anyway back on topic, I hope to have the bombsight done soon.

regards Rob.