Capt. Winters
Charter Member
Hi Guys,
I have been playing around trying to make a more believable bomb sight for the early RAF bombers, ei the Blenhiem in ETO for a start.
This is what I have come up with, the first shot is of the bombaimer position from the Pilot seat, you can see the bomb sight over on the right of the shot.
the second shot is of the stock bombsight image in game at the moment for the blenhiem.
the 3rd shot is of my WIP bombsight for the blenhiem. you line up your target in the white circle looking thing in teh centre of the screen.
and the last one is a diagram of how it worked in real life. basically you set the hieght on te virtical pole then moved the slider along the horizontal bar to match your airspeed and then you looked at an angle through the hole on the vertical pole down towards the marker on the horizontal bar, when you your target entered the veiwing circle you dropped your bombs.
I have tried to give the impression of looking along the line of sight, and made the veiwing circle in the centre of the image so that as you pass over your target and as it goes into the little white circle (the one on the left of the pole) you drop your bombs.
Also tried to give the impression of looking over a small device rather than having you eye to a rubber eyepiece which blocks out your view of any other part of the plane.
If people feel its worth completing I'll continue with the very tedious job of getting the alpha channel sorted to make all the edges smooth.
and then retro fit the Blenhiem in the ETO 1.2 with it in our next update.
regards Rob.
I have been playing around trying to make a more believable bomb sight for the early RAF bombers, ei the Blenhiem in ETO for a start.
This is what I have come up with, the first shot is of the bombaimer position from the Pilot seat, you can see the bomb sight over on the right of the shot.
the second shot is of the stock bombsight image in game at the moment for the blenhiem.
the 3rd shot is of my WIP bombsight for the blenhiem. you line up your target in the white circle looking thing in teh centre of the screen.
and the last one is a diagram of how it worked in real life. basically you set the hieght on te virtical pole then moved the slider along the horizontal bar to match your airspeed and then you looked at an angle through the hole on the vertical pole down towards the marker on the horizontal bar, when you your target entered the veiwing circle you dropped your bombs.
I have tried to give the impression of looking along the line of sight, and made the veiwing circle in the centre of the image so that as you pass over your target and as it goes into the little white circle (the one on the left of the pole) you drop your bombs.
Also tried to give the impression of looking over a small device rather than having you eye to a rubber eyepiece which blocks out your view of any other part of the plane.
If people feel its worth completing I'll continue with the very tedious job of getting the alpha channel sorted to make all the edges smooth.
and then retro fit the Blenhiem in the ETO 1.2 with it in our next update.
regards Rob.