TTools tells me something I don't understand

Check the text file. Sometimes the thing may actually be "saying" you have a "running line" instead of recognizing that you actually have a "return" or "enter" after the airport and before the next aircraft. In other words, it LOOKS okay, but you may actually have something where the software thinks it's not a separate line, and you then have it thinking you wrote, "EHAMAC#2" instead.


Miami, FL
Very strange. I tried to compile exactly the same flightplans as yours:


I got no error. If there would be no space between EHAM and AC#2, the error message would specifically mention it. The three aircraft are just fake aircraft.txt entries. I don't have them.

Would anyone of you guys take a look? I'd be very grateful. All three files are are in the zip.



    897 bytes · Views: 2
First, I tried your files and got the same error messages. Now I put their contents in my files, and I could compile them. But you would have an error message anyway, as you must have four planes in aircraft.txt, if you have four flightplans.

So hope it works,



    534 bytes · Views: 1
Thanks Bernard, I switched from TTools to AI Flight Planner. More of a learning curve than TTools but more reliable. I'll try your file. Very much appreciated.


Did you specify using Notepad when you did the edits?
Make sure. It looks like what-ever happened, TT didn't spot the "line break" in the text file.

I only goof around with simple traffic files and my best mistake was switching an O and a 0 in an airport code. :dizzy:
Cees, It also looks like you're using OneDrive.
I don't. ;)

Maybe something got transcribed from the cloud?
It looks like the only thing that was missing was a line break? :unsure: