Tumbleweed blows past



Hopefully the drop in posts is because everyone is enjoying V1.2 now :) ..
Pol, a drop of posts could mean:

1. the adrenalin addicts can't fly and write at the same time
2. everything works fine with the patch
3. most DVD's have arrived

See the positive, man!
I've just spent the last half hour having my ass handed to me by a bunch of Albs.

Tactics adjusted accordingly...no more saddling up on their ass, safe in the knowledge I was unlikely to get one behind me. Get in quick, give one good burst and get clear. Check six, go around again.

This is how it SHOULD be. :)
Yes, JAYO, and the engine sound of my beloved Albatros - hmmm!!!
And when it get's hit - a rear gunner did that to her - it sounds like a metal mill grinding cobble stones (great job by the sound man - OvS I assume).

Ah - and the rear gunner: I sent him to hell with the whole two seater. My plane lasted long enough for that.

What did you fly, Siggi?
Pol, maybe a bunch of happy campers. No complaints here I know.
Yes, JAYO, and the engine sound of my beloved Albatros - hmmm!!!
And when it get's hit - a rear gunner did that to her - it sounds like a metal mill grinding cobble stones (great job by the sound man - OvS I assume).

Ah - and the rear gunner: I sent him to hell with the whole two seater. My plane lasted long enough for that.

What did you fly, Siggi?

QC, six Camels vs six Alb DVs, all on random. About ten times until I got the hang of the buggers. Three new pilots enlisted in half an hour.

v1.1, I'd have to shoot down every one of them myself. v1.2, last fight I got two and the other four were done by the rest of my flight. What was left of it (two kites).

It's turned from a turkey-shoot into a war. :jump:

I think the campaign is going to be a new ball-game.
Lol good posts guys.
I must admit flying in formation now it's easier to lose yourself in the moment even WM has started to enjoy it now so that's got to be good.

Some great things done RexH and WM.
The first 1.2 Scramble over Vert Galant (yes 56 squadron) turned into a furball with Albatross D3s, our SE5s and for good measure a flight of Nieuport 17s dropped in. Like the WW1 airman interview said, the first order of business was simply not to run into someone!

Oh and by the way, I just noticed that Paarma's Spad 7 skin shows the wing rib reinforcing tape and the wing stitches used to make sure the fabric didn't separate from the ribs. The freaking wing rib stiches! I just finished stitching the ribs on my real biplane (took me weeks) but I never expected to see this kind of detail in a simulation. You people are not from this planet!
I am away on a trip, so I can't post that much and Ii can't download patch :-(
I am tearing my machine down, Major Pol, and rebuilding it while 'life' keeps interrupting me. I want to get those frame rates up. I've had to wait for the local mechanics to order and receive the engine parts.

I'll report back to the fps thread once this is done and I've done some test flights. At least I've got a laptop and my wife's pc for the forum, mail, etc.
I'm flying more than posting. Given that folks tend to complain more than compliment, fewer posts is usually the sign of a good product. OFF certainly is that.
Nope, we still here...

This was money well spent, and I enjoy all the posts...lots of great peeps here.

Supported by a Team that cares about its customer base.

It just doesn't get bett than this! :woot:

>> I am away on a trip, so I can't post and can't download patch yet<<

As well..but it sounds like "All's NOT Quiet Over The Western Front" :ernae:

Winder, welcome among the fitful fighters of world war one. About time you started to enjoy it. Jeez I shouldn't put you on a pedestal but you are kinda like the patron saint WWI flight sims at this time. So relax a bit and get your arse shot full of lead like so many others that consider themselves fortunate for the OFF experience. Thanks again to the whole OBD team.
You want posts. Here is a post:


When job and family life allows for that I am busy exploring Phase 3. Wish I had more spare time at hand. Sounds good?