Turkey Time


Staff member
My order for the MAAM TBF Avenger came in this afternoon... Guess I'm going to have learn how talk turkey.

Any suggestions or stuff I should be on the look out for?
Some folks (myself included) experienced ctd's with the -3 varient. MAAM released a fix, new purchases may be already updated. In my case the fix did not solve the problem for me. Turned out my computer did not like the -3's "MAAM_TBM!Hours" gauge (clock). I disabled it in the 2D and vc panel configs and no problems since.
Thanks! I'm more interested in the early Avengers (TBF) than I am the one with the modern panel. Supposedly orders now have all the updates applied.

Just took it up for the first test flight and love it! I stayed away from it before because of the ancient comp that I was running but with this new comp, the Turkey runs and flies great. I see it being flown a lot in my around the world carrier ops flight that I'm working on.

Take note of the initial take-off settings (not that you wouldn't !) and enjoy the plane. It trims really well. There are a lot of repaints so you have your pick of the liveries.

Turkey Season! And just in time for Thanksgiving! I have a Zero someplace... :icon_lol: That MAAM TBF(M) is nice. I finally had to swap the sounds out with something else though. The ones that came with sound strange to me. Lots of "mechanical noise" that seems to overwhelm everything else.

- Paul
Turkey Season! And just in time for Thanksgiving! I have a Zero someplace... :icon_lol: That MAAM TBF(M) is nice. I finally had to swap the sounds out with something else though. The ones that came with sound strange to me. Lots of "mechanical noise" that seems to overwhelm everything else.

- Paul
Then you are missing the surprise sounds when you blow an engine... :pop4:

I'm having a blast with the Turkey, but still working on my carrier landings with it. Once I get used to it, it should be as easy as the SBD to land. Although I will admit to having pranged it pretty good a couple of times on various flight decks so far.

Paul, I kind of like the sounds that come with it. Supposedly they were recorded from MAAM's real TBM. They sound pretty "radialish" to me :icon_lol:. But I'll admit that my heart still belongs to the Dauntless and half of the attraction of the MAAM Turkey is that CVL that comes with it. You know how I am about having carriers all over the place.
Yeah I know. From the outside view it sounds great, but from the inside it sounds like a clothes dryer with with worn out bearings, hehe. Great plane though. I love how the pilot's flight suit ripples in the breeze when you open the canopy.

- Paul
Generally, I always thought that the mechanical sounds were most prevalent at idle, startup and shutdown, outside, and in front or along side.

Inside the cockpit or with the engine revved to operating speeds, I thought the mechanical sounds were not noticeable, but it may be different with this aircraft.
The CVL that comes with the Turkey includes the files needed to set it up anywhere in the FS world. I'd already put one of Putt Putt's Lexington class carriers off of Malta and figured I needed another carrier there to keep it company. And while I was checking it out there, I decided to make a quick hop over to the local RAF base.

I see a lot of CVLs scattered about the world in the future ;)
Heck, it's the best looking carrier I've got in the fleet! Much detail than the others.

Although I have to admit that I'm also a bit partial to the Lexington behind it. I took Putt Putt's USS Saratoga version 3 and repainted it to be the USS Lexington.