Turn circles


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If i stand and watch big four engine mil jets landing at my local base, i watch them go downwind and make a beautiful tight smooth turn and land.
If i set my flightsim planes to make the same kind of approach, the turn circle is so massive, it's more like trying to turn an oil tanker out at sea.
Is there anything in the airfiles that i can adjust for more realism please?
I find this with most big fs aircraft not just one particular, just to save you asking which plane;)


The FS flight engine is designed for civil aircraft, so you won't get any kind of tight turn out of it.

I don't think there is anything that can be 'tweaked' to improve this - unless someone knows better.

One explanation could be that the autopilot is engaged and you're fighting it to manoeuver?
It's easy to hit the z key without noticing.

If you're getting this result with all planes, all the time, another possibility is that your joystick/yoke sensitivities are set way too low for proper input. This should be checked in the control panel or the configuration utility, depending on how your controller is managed.

All realistically set up FS aircraft should be capable of reasonably tight turns at lower speeds.

I hope this will help
By "set my flightsim planes" do you mean AI, or the one you are flying? Most planes need some help in the behavior area since many are used for AI which requires different performance parameters than manual flying. These AI tend to have exaggerated stability and lift which make for some pretty sluggish handling with a joystick. I have yet to find an airfile or cfg that permits good stick and rudder response yet behaves well as AI, a compromise is about the best there is unless you want to make two variants. I have found that turn radius is most affected by the yaw_stability value in the aircraft cfg. You could try reducing that a little and try it out, but be aware that other displayed behavior will also be affected so save a cfg copy first.
Air files should be calibrated to ensure that at a 30 degree bank you can achieve a 2 minute turn (360 degrees).

Here are three table 1101 .air file parameters that I use to tweak this:

Cn_da - Aileron

Cn_dr - Rudder

Cn_r - Yaw rate (Damping)

Other things to think about:

Are you using the rudder for coordinated turns?
Or, are you using a coordinated rudder setup in your system?

Or, is the Yaw Damper activated?

Is your speed appropriate for the turn?
Air files should be calibrated to ensure that at a 30 degree bank you can achieve a 2 minute turn (360 degrees).

Here are three table 1101 .air file parameters that I use to tweak this:

Cn_da - Aileron

Cn_dr - Rudder

Cn_r - Yaw rate (Damping)

Milton, thankyou very much for your expertise. I made adjustments in 1101 with superb results. Hands on approaches feel so much better now.


Gary (soundman)