Turning Russians into Chinese

Maarten -

Charter Member 2016
Hi there,

Since I missed dearly a CAAC (Civil Aviation Authority of China) repaint for Edgar Guinart Lopez's wonderful Ilyushin IL-18, I decided to make one myself. Actually five repaints are the result, featuring the early-production IL-18B's 202 (pre-1972 registration) and B-206 (post 1972 registration), the IL-18V's 218 (pre-1972 registration) and B-210 (post-1972 registration) and the "Great Helmsman" Mao Zedong's personal IL-18E Salon 208 (pre-1972 registration).

A package with these repaints is available at Avsim.com, Flightsim.com and, of course, Sim-Outhouse.com (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=7&linkid=17146). Edgar Guinart Lopez's most recent IL-18 is available at Flightsim.com (aeroproyecto_il18d.zip).

Tubes aren't exactly my cup of tea, but I recognize a good "paint" when I see one and that is! Nice job Maarten. :applause:
Very nice work!! I love "Air Force One" type paints, so am off to download Mao Zedong's repaint. Thank you!!!
Very nice work!! I love "Air Force One" type paints, so am off to download Mao Zedong's repaint. Thank you!!!
Hi Matt,

Here are some more repaints featuring aircraft of heads of state, available at SOH. Just in case you missed any. I admit I must have missed several ones.
FS 2004 IL-14 Chinese Air Force, 4202 (Mao Zedong's personal aircraft 1957-64)(http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=7&sort=U&page=184&pp=20)
by Steve B. Repaint of Jens B. Kristensen's IL-14.
FS2004 Lockheed VC-121A Constellation "Columbine II"_with_fix.zip" (Pres. Eisenhower's personal plane; first "Air Force One") (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=7&sort=U&page=83&pp=20)
by Maarten. Repaint of Team 749's Lockheed L-749 Constellation.
FS2004 Updated repaints for Douglas DC-4 & C-54 V3.0.zip (including Pres. Roosevelt's Douglas VC-54C "Sacred Cow" (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=7&sort=U&page=82&pp=20)
by Maarten. Repaint of Jens B. Kristensen's Douglas DC-4 V3.0 and V3.1.
FS2004 Douglas VC-118-DO 'The Independence' (Pres. Truman's personal plane) (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=7&sort=U&page=83&pp=20)
by Maarten. Repaint of Jens B. Kristensen's Douglas DC-6 V1.0 and V2.0.
and at Flightsim.com:
FS2004 Lockheed VC-121E Super Constellation "Columbine III" (Pres. Eisenhower's second personal plane) (columbi3.zip)
by Eric Joiner. Repaint of Team 1049's Lockheed L-1049G and L-1049H Super Constellation.
