Charter Member
Tutorial: from library.bgl to vehicles and buildings that you can shoot!!!
This should shake this CFS1 forum a bit;
I'm proceeding with a tutorial entitled; "Procedure to make "movable" objects out of library objects of the library.bgl file.".
It is being published at the AAC forum, under the "Technical advisor" section. You can go there from HERE.
The thread itself is "locked", but if you have questions, a second thread is available HERE.
Once finished, I will most probably release it in PDF format, maybe other formats as well, but if you want an early start, and have questions, AAC forum is the place!
This tutorial will cover these subjects;
- library.bgl; what it is, and how to "look" into it and retrieve the information you'll need;
- list of library.bgl objects ID;
- creation of an "aircraft container" to receive your creation, with or without AF99;
- creation of an SCX file with AF99 and MDLDisAs - "copy n' paste" versions for those who don't have AF99;
- mini-tutorial on how to compile and decompile with MDLDisAs;
these subjects are already on line, but others will come;
- creation of a SCX file, and compilation of that file, with a TXT editor and MDLDisAs;
- "ironing out" of visual issues like scales and shadows;
- "fine tuning" of AIR file and DP file...
Depending on questions asked, that list may change along the way.:typing:
If you prefer to ask your questions here, do it in this thread. Like AAC forum question thread, the answer will be part of the tutorial if deemed of general interest. But I will most probably spend most of my time at the AAC. So, don't be in a hurry if you post here.
These objects are fun to play with in Free Flight or QC, but they add a new dimension to MP games. This tutorial was started after some of the guys at AAC games, smilo's first, showed an unquenched thirst for targets that go BOOM!!!
But don't be fooled; some of those targets will make you say OUCH!!! as well...
This should shake this CFS1 forum a bit;
I'm proceeding with a tutorial entitled; "Procedure to make "movable" objects out of library objects of the library.bgl file.".
It is being published at the AAC forum, under the "Technical advisor" section. You can go there from HERE.
The thread itself is "locked", but if you have questions, a second thread is available HERE.
Once finished, I will most probably release it in PDF format, maybe other formats as well, but if you want an early start, and have questions, AAC forum is the place!
This tutorial will cover these subjects;
- library.bgl; what it is, and how to "look" into it and retrieve the information you'll need;
- list of library.bgl objects ID;
- creation of an "aircraft container" to receive your creation, with or without AF99;
- creation of an SCX file with AF99 and MDLDisAs - "copy n' paste" versions for those who don't have AF99;
- mini-tutorial on how to compile and decompile with MDLDisAs;
these subjects are already on line, but others will come;
- creation of a SCX file, and compilation of that file, with a TXT editor and MDLDisAs;
- "ironing out" of visual issues like scales and shadows;
- "fine tuning" of AIR file and DP file...
Depending on questions asked, that list may change along the way.:typing:
If you prefer to ask your questions here, do it in this thread. Like AAC forum question thread, the answer will be part of the tutorial if deemed of general interest. But I will most probably spend most of my time at the AAC. So, don't be in a hurry if you post here.
These objects are fun to play with in Free Flight or QC, but they add a new dimension to MP games. This tutorial was started after some of the guys at AAC games, smilo's first, showed an unquenched thirst for targets that go BOOM!!!
But don't be fooled; some of those targets will make you say OUCH!!! as well...