Tweaking the Machine


Charter Member
Hello All,
With all this talk about tweaking FS9 and computers in general, I am amazed that no one has mentioned this site, Also has an English version. Amazing info, to say the least! :isadizzy:
You know, the thought of using a... what-is-called in english... abrasive disk cutter (have no idea how it's called in your language, and somehow I doubt that making a direct translation of the italian term would work)... as I was saying I never thought of using that system to open a PC, and I've been in the business of PC assembly ever since '93 finding on my way a lot of PC's with rusty and difficult to open panel screws. :icon_lol:

It is surely a revolutionary way to look at things, what they suggest to do on that site. :rolleyes:

The referenced "data grinder" is what we, in the UK, would call an "angle grinder" and is more the sort of thing the Fire Brigade use to turn crashed cars into "convertibles" than the average PC user would want to be using !

As for hacking the motherboard up and welding the hard disk to the case, it made me cringe !

I haven't laughed so hard since we tossed a 24' boat off a roof. Long story.
Red Green meets New Egg!!
The referenced "data grinder" is what we, in the UK, would call an "angle grinder" and is more the sort of thing the Fire Brigade use to turn crashed cars into "convertibles" than the average PC user would want to be using !

Angle grinder, huh? We call it "flessibile", that translates directly into "flexible"... only a good think I did not try translating it. :italy:

It's a thing I learned to use on a job some time ago, together with other toys like welding machines both torch and electric and more. :ernae:

As for the images there... I cannot really abide on how that poor hardware, even obsolete, is being treated, but it's hilarious at times. :mixedsmi:
Such great ideas, all of them! :icon_lol:

I think I know the author of that site.....didn't his sister get bit by a moose at some point?
They were on holiday in sweden at the time and she was carving her initials into it with an inter stellar toothbrush.....

If you don't understand you don't watch enough Monty Python....:engel016: