Twin Otter


Avsim ..
Must be this one (same skin .. Sharck - Requin .. lol)

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Original Aircraft[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Shark DHC6 Twin Otter [/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Other files which are related to, or may be required by, this file:

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif] [/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif] File Description:
Shark DHC-6 Twin Otter. Model including reflective textures, both actif virtual cockpit and full interior. Requires FS2004. Model and panel by Eric Dantes, textures by Carenado's member : Mauricio Illanes.
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]
[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Filename:[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif][/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]License:[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Freeware, limited distribution[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Added:[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]31st August 2003[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Downloads:[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]13451[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Author:[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Eric Dantes and Mauricio Illanes[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Size:[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]7279kb[/FONT]

Check also your PM box !!
Thanks, but as I specifically mentioned, the big libraries such as Avsim simply have the older editions.
Thanks anyway though!
I just looked and the link works now. Don't know about the actual download, the registration for the forums looks like a pain and I can't be mithered at the moment :icon_lol:
Hi, Sean!
As far as I know, this one here is the latest model version:


[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Twin Otter DHC-6 UPDATE! [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]File Description:[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]New .mdl files (3D models) to adapt all Eric Dant�s and Mauricio Illanes Twin Otters from FS 2002 to FS 2004. Requires original Twin Otter for FS2002 present in AVSIM file library in category: original aircraft FS 2002 and repaint FS 2002. Search for authors Eric Dant�s or Mauricio Illanes. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Filename:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]License:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Freeware, limited distribution[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Added:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]5th March 2004[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Downloads:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]3019[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Author:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Eric DANTES[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Size:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]4062kb[/FONT]


A great panel upgrade is included here:
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Panels[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]New Panel for DHC-6 Twin Otter [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Other files which are related to, or may be required by, this file:
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]File Description:[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]This panel is for the DHC-6 Twin Otter model made by Eric Dant�s and Mauricio Illanes. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Full package including 80 custom gauges (16 engine gauges strictly true to the real dhc6 and 12 photoreal flight instruments), aircraft.cfg, .air files, new autopilot, auto-throttle device, subpanels bitmaps, 10 window views and wing views, gauges sound files and airline logo displayed in 2Dpanel and Vcockpit. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]In addition, a set of documents with a full Panel Documentation, Operating Procedures, Check List, Reference List, Fuel Calculation sheet, 20 new repaints and more. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]You need the original aircraft model (see Readme / Lisezmoi / L�eme). [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Filename:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]License:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Freeware, limited distribution[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Added:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]11th February 2009[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Downloads:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]4461[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Author:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Thierry PUJOL[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Size:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]16426kb[/FONT]


I'm sure it's Thierry's awesome work you're looking for!


search for this French civil version ,named "", at by Thierry Pujol.
It contains the latetest models for both the wheeeled and amphibian version of Dantes DHC6.

Does anyone have the latest version of the DHC-6 from Eric Dantes?

Note: This is the latest release, meaning a new FS2004 model, sharper gauges in the VC, etc. As far as I know, it was only available through the FranceVFR website, but the link no longer works. I believe that there were some repaint packages for this new model as well.

Thanks for any assistance,

As far as i know the version with the sharp vc gauges is payware included in a package for 30.-. All other have the blurry VC. Correct me if i am wrong, i was searching for a while end ended up with the air simmer otter which kills fps. (at least on my system - so still no otter)

A classic indeed .. very good ... fly from ages :)


Video: (download for best viewing!)
Thierry Pujol did a very nice one:

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]DHC-6 Twin Otter Repaint Kit [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]File Description:
Repaint Kit for the DHC-6 Twin Otter model made by Eric Dant�s and Mauricio Illanes. Create your own liveries using this multi layered .PSD format Paint Kit ! Included : rivets, panel lines, shadows, outlines, parts names, marking and labels in separate layers.

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Filename:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]License:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Freeware, limited distribution[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Added:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]13th March 2009[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Downloads:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]283[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Author:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Thierry PUJOL[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Size:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]18504kb[/FONT]
Thanks for all of the help guys! I now have the best "Twotter" available in my possession!

All we need now is more repaints for it! There is a fair variety out now if you look in the right spots, but the following would look pretty sharp.....just some ideas for repainters.....
^^Old livery exists already, but it's very basic and has some flaws. Could probably be redone pretty well.
^^More photos of this livery on the same website.
^^I'm sure many people would use this one! Again, more photos on the same website.
^^One of the only ones I could find with a German registration.
^^I know people would love this one! A sharp livery, for a popular flying location!

Again, thanks for all the help. Maybe we'll see some repainters take on the challenge of adding more liveries to the collection for this great plane in the future!

Short-Nose is better in handling with difficult WX and rwy conditions IMHO. Another good Twotter paint for Canada not seen in FS9 is North-Wright Air.
By the way, did you know that on the "Non FS / Real Life"
the Twin Otter is back to production by Viking Air of British
Columbia, Canada !!!

Viking have bought the manufacture license from DeHavilland
and began to produce the Serie 400 version, including a modern
full glass cockpit !!!

Take a look at the brochure here : Multi-Page.pdf

Just curious but which is better the twotter from PAD or the Eric Dantes version?
Just curious but which is better the twotter from PAD or the Eric Dantes version?

Now there is a excellent and fair ? and difficult. I prefer the PAD Twotter. You get plenty of variety of twotters to choose from in many variants. My advice try both and stay with the one you like the most and works for you. Both are real good and reliable.
Hi, Sean!
As far as I know, this one here is the latest model version:
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif][FONT=verdana, sans-serif][/FONT]

I'm sure it's Thierry's awesome work you're looking for!


Check pms Markus