Twin Rotor helos?

Navy Chief

Senior Member
Maybe someone on SOH has read that a twin rotor helo is being developed, but I haven't seen anything about it. Anyone here? Would love to see a CH-46/7. NC
I posted on Hype's Discord channel about possibly developing those helos. Their reply was that military aircraft really wasn't their "thing", which I found to be interesting, since they released a military version of the H145. So I guess it will have to be either Milviz or maybe Flyinside? NC
Very good Chinook for X-plane by X-Trident...not heard any plans for them to move to MSFS but not impossible...
MSFS only supports 1 main rotor and 1 tail rotor natively so I doubt we will see one until that limit is increased in the base game.
Hello everyone, the launch of the Kamov 32 for P3D was a very pleasant surprise, very well made and very well modeled, a very versatile and robust heli operated by many countries and multitasking, for me that should be one of the first in MFS2020. ....., even if it is from now to a long time
Hello everyone, the launch of the Kamov 32 for P3D was a very pleasant surprise, very well made and very well modeled, a very versatile and robust heli operated by many countries and multitasking, for me that should be one of the first in MFS2020. ....., even if it is from now to a long time

Hi Pete, I can recommend going to the Hype channel on the Discord forums. They're of course the developers of the H135 & H145 for MSFS. They have a section in their channel for suggestions for helos for them to develop! NC
Not that I know of although Nemeth has claimed much of their catalogue is eventually (may take a couple years) going to come to MSFS. This includes the Kamov Ka-32. Probably not the "twin rotor" style you meant, but twin rotors nonetheless. Not aware of Chinook or Sea Knight in development (note that Milviz/Blackbird worked with Nemeth on the Chinook).
Hi Pete, I can recommend going to the Hype channel on the Discord forums. They're of course the developers of the H135 & H145 for MSFS. They have a section in their channel for suggestions for helos for them to develop! NC
thanks for the information
On a side note :

What do you gentlemen use to fly your copters ?

Do you know of a flightstick brand that is particular useful to fly a helicopter ?

Do you think a flightstick is preferable over a Yoke to fly a heli ?

Would it definately help to use rudder pedals to fly a helicopter ?

Thanks a lot !
I think good rudder pedals are incredibly important to the user's experience, no matter what aircraft, fixed wing or rotor,. Though of course the highest quality pedals come with quite a hefty price tag as well, which I've never gone for. I went 15 years using my first set of CH Pro Pedals, which I absolutely loved. When I finally had to replace them, I made the initial mistake of buying a set of the Saitek pedals. I found that these were way, way too stiff, out of the box - they probably pose more issues than using a twist-grip joystick. However, after I went ahead and bought another set of CH Pro Pedals, I ended up keeping the Saitek pedals and replaced the spring with a couple elastic bands (there is a Youtube video demonstrating this), and those modified Saitek pedals have become my chopper pedals. With the elastic bands, it now takes very, very little pressure to move them and easily allows me to hold continuous inputs without effort, much as I have heard how real life chopper pedals feel/work.

For joystick and engine control, I have a CH Fighter Stick and X52 Pro Throttle which I do almost all of my flying with, which I find works perfectly well for chopper flying.
Thanks for your elaborate reply, John, very helpful. I have a CH Pro Pedals too but they are extremely old. I stopped using them because i got tired of switching between my car pedals set. With the kind of flying i do a twist stick works fine. Also because i have only a small desk and very little room in my 'cockpit' (that's more or less on purpose because i feel a cockpit has to have only little room ;-)

I never got along flying helicopters in FSX and before. Would love to have a go at it again in MSFS. Particularly because of the just released Alouette III, a truly fantastic model but i can't do anything with it at the moment. So i'm thinking of buying either the Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals ( the metal version) or Thrustmaster TPR Pendular Rudder (a bit pricey indeed ).

It looks very much like the Saitek Pedals are out of stock everywhere so i guess i'll have to go with the expensive Thrustmaster. I have a FR-Tec Raptor Throttle and thinking of a good replacement for my ancient AV8R stick.

Let's see if that'll help. I just got to learn to fly that Alouette. ;)

Btw, would love to see twin rotors here in MSFS too ! One of my fav heli's in FS9 (maybe in FSX too, can't remember..) which i, low and behold!, could even fly without killing everone on board, was the Piasecki H-21. Great memories of building an Aurora plastic model of it when i was a kid. IIRC its nickname was Flying Banana. Always loved the look of that peculiar flying machine. Likewise fond memories of building a Kaman H-43 Huskie. I'd buy an MSFS Chinook instantly too, no matter if i can fly it or not. Just for the sound alone ( we have 'em overhere.. :) )