Milton Shupe

Staff Contributor
Staff member
If you haven't visited this excellent site, lots of neat stuff there on Twin Beeches, mainly B18 related, but also about restorations, bombsites, variants, other WWII aircraft and people who used that equipment and aircraft in years past.

The owner, Taigh, has been instrumental in providing source pictures for our AT-11 project. He received an Oshkosh award in 1999 for the Most Authentic Warbird aircraft. His restorations are top notch.
Cool site. But I don't know about $600 for an hour ride in a D-18. Maybe if I'm flying it too.
Tom, where you live there are enough Beech 18's around that you could probably catch a local flight with somebody and not have to cough up $600 for avgas. I'd like to fly in one myself, I put gas in a few when I was a young sailor but never got a hop.
Cool site. But I don't know about $600 for an hour ride in a D-18.
Maybe if I'm flying it too.

Not a price I would pay either but ...

If you look at the depreciation cost per hour of the two engines over their life, I am certain that you will find the cost of AVGAS hardly worth mentioning.

But, at $4.50-$5 per gallon and 13-17 gallons per hour, that too adds up quickly. :isadizzy:
The Twin Beech is one of my favorite aircraft, but I'd have to be independently wealthy to operate one.
Not a price I would pay either but ...

If you look at the depreciation cost per hour of the two engines over their life, I am certain that you will find the cost of AVGAS hardly worth mentioning.

But, at $4.50-$5 per gallon and 13-17 gallons per hour, that too adds up quickly. :isadizzy:

Oh man, I totaly agree with you on that one. When I hear some of the warbird guys talking about operational costs, it just blows my mind.
I guess if you have to ask, forget about it.
I think that has been one of the reasons the "big warbird" shows at Oshkosh have suffered the last few years. They might fly them there, but won't fly them during the show. Even though they'll usually get reimbursed later for the fuel during the actual show flying part. I think it's all the other overall costs to fly them. I was talking this last year for awhile with the guys with "Devel Dog" and they weren't sure how much longer they were going to be flying her because of maintainance issues.
Just not enough money to go around.

That said, I still ain't got $600 for an hour in a D-18. If I had it, I'd rather spend the money and get the half hour in a B-17!