Two AvHistory B-26 aircraft uploaded!


Charter Member 2016
I wasn't aware these were not in the library, though where I got them from I have no idea. The Read-Mes are still for the 2.XX aircraft, but both have 4.XX flight dynamics, etc.


  • AvH B-26G.jpg
    AvH B-26G.jpg
    42.9 KB · Views: 0
  • AvH B-26C.jpg
    AvH B-26C.jpg
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Regardless of what the readme files say, those two aren't painted by TURKEY VULTURE or Dan Swart - they did, however, make earlier skins of the same aircraft examples. These are the work of our very own John Whelan unless someone has cloned him and his painting style.
ooh, cloning John? Why did we never think of that before? Might be a worthy goal for a crowd-source project, along with similar programs to clone Nigel, Steve, and Ted.

Thanks Nigel for putting these up, along with your own skins! Glad to see another forgotten aircraft getting some attention!
lol yea did them at the the request of AV History a long time ago, I've done quite a few repaints for AVH and I'm sure not all the credits were updated, no biggie though!:untroubled:
It did strike me that the style of painting looked familiar, but I forget to check... sorry!