Two general queries - view labels and animated menu screenie


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I have a feeling the answer to Q.1 is 'No!', but I don't suppose there is any way to turn off (or toggle off/on in game) the view labels being displayed, at the top of the screen, every time you change view? Or even change their colour to transparent? Never liked them. If they can't be toggled in game, I'd much rather have them off than on. I have all the other chat/sim messages stuff turned off in CFS3config but at least you can toggle some of it in game, like labels, if and when you really want to play a flying label simulator with or without additional text overlays (yes you guessed I also hate seeing otherwise interesting Youtube clips spoiled like that).

Second question is that short of using FRAPS etc, I can't find a way of consistently taking a screenshot of the animated menu screen - you know the one that shows you the pilot lounging around a bit self-consciously on the airfield before a sortie. A few times I get one using one of the two keys I've assigned to take a screenshot...


...but most of the time, nothing. They work consistently in game. Using PrtScr then tabbing out to Windows and pasting that into Paint just gives me a Desktop shot with large rectangles on it rendered black.

Hi 33Lima, hope someone has easy answers, because I haven't! Firstly I would suggest taking a look at the Microsoft explanation of the ViewUI.xml, you may find an entry for advisor messages or something. should be a link in the SDK sticky.

Another work around for the screen shot - The Microsoft Game Bar is activated using Windows + Alt + G (IIRC). If you have a compatible video card, you can take screen shots or capture video.

Hopefully that should do the trick!
Thanks for the tips. For all the stuff in virwUI.xml I can't see anything which affects the view labels themselves. I can dual boot into Win 10 but am sticking with 7 for now as it plays better with BoB2, still the best sim of the Battle...





large.shot_500.jpg.4d84d58e01afd3ef97eee628f9c9b6cc.jpg no game bar. It's just strange that I can occasionally get screenies of the animated menu but not most of the time, need to remember exactly what I did the next time I get one!