Two question about ACG scenery.

huub vink

Staff member
As the title already explains, I have 2 questions about ACG scenery.

Did anyone ever succeeded in getting the Lancasters show up at RAF Grimsby?
(I have the fix installed, the AI lancs are in the aircraft folder. The "Traffic_MAI_RAF_100_LANCASTER.bgl" is in the scenery/world/scenery folder and when I look in the traffic file the aircraft names correspond with the aircraft names in the aircraft config file of the AI aircraft...)

Has the AI Jeep in the North_Pickenham and Earls_Colne ever been converted in a drivable model? I have the feeling it looks marginally better than the one by Gary Burns.


A very quiet Grimsby............. (Ian's vehicles however do show up.)

from the readme....


Move the folder “#ACG Avro Lancaster 100 Sqn” to your main aircraft folder. Then all you need to do is copy the model folder and .air file from the original download into this folder.

Huub, did you do this?

You'll find the originals by searching on Flightsim for 'acg_ai_pack*'

If you've done this, did it work?

I did find the package and copied the model file and the air file but still no sign of 100 squadron..............


I noticed that in the aircraft configuration file the name "Lancaster_AI_JY"is used while the model is called "JY_Lancaster_FS9_AI", but changing the model name and editing the model.cfg file didn't improve things................

Now if I only knew what I did......... It changed the names back in to the original names and :pop4: , there they were............


Thanks for the help guys!


Thanks Huub,

Your question made me realise I didn't have this scenery, promptly rectified. Decided to test it to see if I could help and mainly help myself :a1310: with missing scenery. Installed as it stated, no edits and have 12 lancs showing up parked during mid day. guessing they depart at dusk.

Glad you got it sorted,


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Make sure you have Earls Colne and North Pickenham by the same author (Brian Clarke) installed as well. Earls Colne is a great place for Milton Shupe's Marauder and North Pickenham is great for any B-24.



I tried the Jeep you mentioned, not sure it's worth it.

Gary's Jeep, ACG Jeep, Gary's Jeep and finally ACG Jeep.

The ACG is designed for AI (it has 3 LOD's) and it is maybe better left that way. It is perfect for that with all due respects. It lacks any animations you may expect, the wheels don't seem to turn (left and right) when you steer, no driver or other animations. It's ability to be driven is much worse (you could substitute in the Garry airfile etc. to fix this), very 'floaty' like it wants to go airborne at a moments notice. I do like the whip antenna though, but probably more apt for a commanders jeep on the front than an airfield run-around. I'm not sure about re-paints, which i suspect has something to do with your query. Mapping may be better, or not. The overall model (including, especially, the driver) is more detailed in gary's version.



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If you want to try it for yourself, open your 'ACG_AI_Vehicle_Jeep' folder in the aircraft folder and open the 'JYAI_Jeep.air' with aired (by Tim Roth) or similar program. edit the 6th entry, '*aircraft type=2' to read '=0' and it will be selectable to drive/fly.
Thanks Jamie, you must know me indeed quite well as the "paintability" was the main reason I looked at the model.

Recently I had a closed look at the model I already came to the conclusion that close up it doesn't look as good as I thought. The main thing I dislike about Gary's model is the driver. He looks like he has just had a broomstick for breakfast. And the model can not be repainted in a way I like.

As I now understand why I couldn't make the model appear in the selection menu, the information about the .air file is very usable for future experiments.....

Both model have their strong and weak point in my opinion and overall Gary's model seems to be the best. However the ACG one does its job perfectly and looks very good while performing this job.
But there is definitely still some room for the perfect Willy's Jeep.



Does anyone know how to get in contact with Gary? I've tried PM'ing him and leaving a message on his user profile page. He has been online today but maybe his inbox is full or something.