Two requests


There are two planes that I've always wanted for fs9 ,the Grumman F9F-8 Cougar,( really would like the two seat version) and the Champion TriTraveller.Now I know that there is a Cougar by Kazunori Ito which lacks some files ,which you can get from Mortons site ,but I worked for two days to get it to work in either FS9 or CfS2 with no luck.
I just didn't want to put that much work into trying to get this plane,and was hopeing someone would consider making one and uploading to one of the sites.(some would say I'am too lazy to deserve this ,and maybe their right,but I'am not experenced or patient enough)
As for the TriTraveller I know there was one made by a gentilemen who is no longer with us,to our loss, but was wondering if someone had it and would be kind enough to email it to me.
Now I understand this is all a lot to ask and hope I don't get yelled at for asking, but thats all I'am doing ,is asking,if none of this happens,thats fine I sure can live without them. Thanks

Now I know that there is a Cougar by Kazunori Ito which lacks some files ,which you can get from Mortons site ,but I worked for two days to get it to work in either FS9 or CfS2 with no luck.
Just finished made my "5 minutes" tweak on the ITO Cougar .. no Morton files involved :)
Upload of the beta in progress.
Will send you soon ! a link by PM for test and explainations
In your box !
good work Caludius

Thanks for making the Cougar flyable at last. Haven't had much chance to really test it out,but the first thing I noticed is when the plane loads it bounces and skips about 4 times then settles at about a 10 or 15 degree angle to the left of the runway heading,(as seen from the cockpit).
The visual model looks great ,did notice the tailskid is sitting on the runway ,not sure if this is right or not.
Flight model seems a lot like the Panther(no surprise there) .Will test some more when I get a chance, and I'am sure when you get the animations down it will be better,couldn't get the tailhook to deploy but this may be because it hasn't been addressed yet or because I was just using the keyboard and not my joystick,and you can't really tell from that.
Thanks again keep up the good work,I'll let you know more later,keep me updated. Thanks again
a step backword

Well when I replaced the files ,I lost the whole plane from sim ,shows in Windows Explorer fs9 under aircraft but not in the sim. I deleted the old panel and put the new one in but it now shows with a plus sign beside it. What am I doing wrong?
My Bad

I'am sorry ,the plane is there and flys as you said.When I renamed the plane to Grumman F9F Cougar in Windows Explorer I expected it to show in the sim under Grumman ,but it still shows under ATESTTESt, don't know how to chance it otherwise ,but no biggy I know what it is.
Also the plane still jumps about two or three times before settiling down ,right,left or on the centerline. Again no biggy I can either taxi straight or slew the plane straight.
I had my tailhook assigned to control+T and somehow that got deleted.It's assigned to the 3 button on my CH throttle quad but I use my CH usb throttle pro for jets ,so I use the keyboard for them and the assignment got deleted. All is fine now. Thankyou so very much for giveing me the plane that I first built as a model as a kid.

No probs enjoy.
Puzzled by the jumps :jump::jump: no probs like this here :)
BTW you can rename the plane as you like by editing this stance in aircraft.cfg:

title=Grumman Cougar
ui_manufacturer=ATESTTESt (change the name)
ui_type=Grumman Cougar
ui_variation=Cougar CLN
description=Grumman _Cougar
thanks once again

One more thing then maybe I'll leave you alone.Whats the panel that comes up when you hit the Fuel Panel icon do.Looks kinda like somesort of a ADF?