Uggh so frustrating


I have an ongoing problem that I thought I had slain. I'm flying along with no major terrain changes and poof all of my textures drop out. Eventually they come back, but its like flying in marshmallow land for 1-2 minutes. If I reset the flight they will come back. I have been messing with fs9.cfg abit but even if I return it to stock I am still getting this texture drop out problem.

Arggh. Anybody have any good links to look at? I have been googling and not finding anything helpful.

I get this issue sometimes too. mostly I just wait or like you do just reset something. I gather it's as little as a single texture file so as was said above can sometimes be fixed with an attitude adjustment. But it seems odd that a stock file might be the culprit.
Well I ran DXTfixer and had a couple of weird textures that I fixed. Issue still remains. I have replaced the video card (went to a Gforce 1050 ti) and I am still getting this weirdness. I work with a bunch of PC guys (I work as a Linux systems engineer) and the next suggestion is to replace the powersupply. I am open to any other suggestions as well.

Used to experience this issue with 2 specific freeware aircraft I rather liked.

Could never get to the bottom of the cause, so I with heavy heart the aircraft were dispensed with. :-/
Is there a limit to Screen resolution in FS9? Im running it on 2k monitor, so I wonder if thats causing it?


Not that I've come across and I run at 4K.
I can't recall exactly where I came across them (I'll look) but I discovered a set of textures supposedly derived from ORBX that had been reworked for FS2004.
Probably illegal as well, but I dropped them into my very mixed scenery files and there is a marked improvement.
At 4K I do get a very faint shimmer but it is not as problem.
I've had the same problem for a number of years now. Picking up on NIgel's comment, this occurs with 3 freeware aircraft all of which (coincidentally??) have quite complex and detailed 2D panels and VCs. With these aircraft the scenery textures will remain blurred for the duration of the flight. I also get the problem with certain airports with a fair density of both static and dynamic AI aircraft, but, the scenery textures will restore once clear of the airport.
I've learned to live with it