
Mike, it does have an air file included. Check to see that you got the last "UH-34J" folder opened...:173go1:
For anyone wanting to do a/some paint(s ) for this old workhorse, there are a lot of schemes available...:applause:

There is another version available without the inflatable float bags...
It looks orange to me, and all the pics I have seen are that color...:jump:
I wonder why the screenshots were taken in FSX when the file description stipulates that the UH34J is for FS2004 :rolleyes:
I happened to be in FSX when I downloaded it. Although it is for FS9, it works pretty good in FSX, with just a few minor issues...:ernae:
Hi there,

Just wondering why this beauty has been built as a turbine-powered helo.

I think pretty much all FS9 helos are based on a turbine FM because that is what the default ones use. You could call the engine a type "0" in the cfg if you wanted, but I think it would still fly like a turbine powered chopper.

In a thread I read a while back someone explained all the differences between a helicopter FM based on the jet, turboprop, and, helo-turbine engine types. I think it had to do with what sort of animations were available and how engine sounds worked.

Probably someone else can make more sense out of this than I can.
Not quite. The default Robinson R22 has a piston engine lay-out (see aircraft.cfg). So I still wonder. :isadizzy:

Not quite. The default Robinson R22 has a piston engine lay-out (see aircraft.cfg). So I still wonder. :isadizzy:


Maarten, you can contact Willy for the (his) answer. On his website, top of the page, is a section for questions and answers...:ernae: