Uiver DC-2 repaints


Staff member
I just bought the Uiver DC-2 for FS9 and I'm trying to find some repaints for it. The links at the Uiver site are apparently non-functional and most of what I'm finding at the usual places (FlightSim and AvSim) are FSX .dds file paints. In particular, I'm looking for American Airlines, Pan Am and TWA paints for the DC-2.

If the FSX paints were converted to normal FS9 textures would they work? I'm willing to give that a shot if the original FS9 paints are no longer available.

go to the FS9 section, then free downloads. The individual pics for paints don't work , probably removed due to Avsim hack. You can click the very top picture to download all repaints @ 135mb.


PS. currently downloading to test, hyperlink added to 'download' above.
Thanks guys! Jamie's link got me hooked up just fine. Leave it to me to not find find the forest because of the trees.

I did find the repaint kit though. I'm thinking that if I could paint a few Merc Air DC-3s a few years ago, then a DC-2 should be no problem. (I hope)

Edited to add: I did install Manuel's Lufthansa paint. I'm surprised he didn't do a pre war Italian one as well.

Thinking about starting a transcontinental flight in it tonight. That should be a good break in for it.
Willy you won't be disappointed with this aircraft. As a Beta tester on both the FS9 and FSX models I did my best to break it but couldn't. And it is a beautiful aircraft to fly. Also a few Aussie repaints there as well. RAAF has 2 repaints and there is an ANA one.

Remember to treat the engines like you would your wife otherwise they will get like her if mistreated and get all firey.
I did a several takeoffs, circling in the pattern and landings at Memphis last night. After having read period accounts of the DC-2 being difficult to land and taxi, I was pleasantly surprised at how well behaved it is. But then Ernest Gann also said that if a pilot got to feeling too cocky flying the DC-2, it would humble him quickly. I'm still getting acquainted with it though.

I also found Manuel's Italian paints for it as well. Also have an idea or two for the obligatory Merc Air paint.
Knowing your repaint style Willy I can see about 4 different aircraft in one repaint. Typical Merc Air parts acquisition :).
Actually, what I'm thinking of is something simple and plain looking that won't attract undue attention.
I "borrowed" this plane from, well, you can see who, for the South America Race, and "tagged" it with Merc Air affiliation. Haven't returned it yet. Can't say where this photo was taken. Not South America. Classified.
Got quite a bit done on the paint tonight. I'd about forgot what a pain it is to get a proper shine on bare metal. But if you're going to do something, it's best to do it right. I decided to redo the alphas from scratch. Now to paint out the not shiny bits.
I'm thinking it's a bit too shiny at this point. But I'll work on that tomorrow as it's almost 4am here.

(Went for the simple is better thing)