UK Nifty Fifties Gloster Meteor F3 And F8

The original Alphasim models could not be used in FSX (Visual model cannot be displayed error). I don't know how he did it but his mods enable the models to be used in FSX.
Always like'd the old Alpha Meteor, one of my first payware purcheess's and still flown in my FS9 install, For FSX, it would have to be something very special to beat Rod Richardsons models.
If you have the old Alpha model, make sure you check out Mortons repaints, for CFS2 but work just fine in FS9 :wavey:

Like the Avenger ASW though, ive been try to find out if the Fleet Air Arm used those, i know the French and Canadians used them in the 50'S, but i think im getting mixed up with the Skyraider ASW in FAA use.

cheers ian
Got the Morton repaints, they are superb.

I keep meaning to look at the FDE and tweak it to provide different performance for the Mk 3 and Mk 8.

And, yes, you're spot on about Rob's Meteors, they are something special.