UKMIL site


charter member past
UKMIL has a website but it is unusual.

1. To make an account, they demand an email that is "normal"--you cannot have gmail, yahoo mail and the like. They say those types of emails invite hacking!!

I have a gmail email here, and in all sites like this one, avsim, Simviation,, etc.

It appears those latter sites that accept such emails are wrong, if we are to take UKMIL's excuse seriously.

2. I emailed the administrator for help with registration 5-6 days ago--no answer so far--another problem here.

3. I also posted in these forums to get them to help me -no answer so far..

To put it mildly, UKMIL has a weird, deplorable and snobbish policy which is a disservice to flightsimmers.

I wonder if this post will correct some things.
In the not too distant past, the vast majority of spammers we got on our site came from those same email addresses. Where we were able to deal with it, we were not a 'one man show' as is the Gaffer at UKMIL so by not accepting new members with those email addresses, he saw it as a way of cutting his problems. He's not the only website that doesn't accept certain emails by the way.
It's also worth noting that the Gaffer is a serving member of the RAF and as such, is not master of his free time.

To say he has a weird, deplorable and snobbish policy which is a disservice to flight-simmers might be your opinion but it is not one that is widely held.
The OP is posting the same message on at least 1 other flightsim website. Not sure what he intends to accomplish. It is certainly not to make good with UKMIL, who has every right to assert any membership policy it chooses and likely does not need a member inclined to do this type of attention seeking.
I just wanted to get their attention to this problem. So far, nothing has changed.

I had a friend try to make an account with them--he could not. This is certainly an anomaly.

Wombat66: are you involved in their site?
I've tried at least 3 times to set up an account with UKMIL using a "REAL" e-mail address, and filling in all the blanks. Alas, no joy in Mudville. :banghead: I reckon the 3rd time will be the last time.

He's not the fastest at answering emails for sure and I appreciate your frustration. As an example, I noticed one member there asked about a repaint for the FCS Lancaster. It was dated Fri Dec 30 2016. The Gaffer answered on Fri Mar 17 2017!!!

Fingers crossed both your registration requests get answered sooner than that and more importantly.. it was worth the wait;)

I also tried to establish an account months ago, even trying to use one the "approved" email servers. That server adventure was torturous and it took several sweeps to eradicate it when nothing worked. Two emails sent to the admin asking for help or guidance were never answered. Oh well..
I just wanted to get their attention to this problem. So far, nothing has changed.

I had a friend try to make an account with them--he could not. This is certainly an anomaly.

Wombat66: are you involved in their site?

Only in that I've been having problems getting back into the site jinx.
I have (or had) an account but it seems to have 'disappeared'.